1,Caliani. 8. 3 58 Prater s ap;to,ter.;. ample dominions, and large pofrefsions,was yet turned a gra. fin; like a bear}, among(} the bear's) Rut they that feeIZe the Lord(Ball want nothing that is good. They may fometimes bee wit,:out that which they with for, becaufe they may with for that which wil not well agree with their faetie.But whatfo. euer is good,and there neede.reguircth it, that thall vndoub tedly bemin:ilredvnto them. Obieci. But maynot a godly man dyeofhunger? (hall wee condcmne all that are afanriíhed. e/fnjiiv. There is no doubt but many men : euen faithful' feruants ofgod in fieges,& extreame dearthes&c. be brought to their ends, through penury and want of food,but then His good for them fo to come to their end. The Lord doth call, them home toheauen L y filch a meffenger. In the like fence it is f.;+d in the fo:-mer Pfed.34..zo.that not one of their bones is broken, that is,to their hurt,or through negleft of gods pro- uident care oiler thcmBBut one mayhaue his bones broken, & be hewed or (awed funder, in great mercie. Heb. I i. 37. So there is apromife toGods people to preferue them from the pefhlence, 'Pfal-9 i.7..and yet many bletred faints bee taken away by it to euerlafhng glory. Elfe Dauid would not haue given them that teftimonie who fo dyed at that time calling them poore harmeleffe fheepe:or haue offrcd himfelf to that kurde of death t o pt efe: ue them aline. Themeaning is then that religious men fha:1 neuer bee plaguedwith thevenome and fling of fcarcetie and famine,hauing it executed as a curfe upon them as it fal eth out with linnets. Firfl, they haue the good prouidenceof God continually for them : his eyes are open,to fee their neede, his cares are o- pen to heare their prayers, his hand is open to releeue their necefsities, his treafury and rich fore horde is open and able to fupply all their wants.They haue his loue and tauour,they banehis power and fufficiencie, they haue his word andpro- wife, they haute his truth and fidelitie, that the will neuer farle them.Heb.i3.;. Secondl}e the wealthie miters ofthe world haue the hand ofGod apirft thew to conflate that which they haue aug- tmentect