Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

PYÖueiÁJ3, »1410. yer.3. mented,to (cotter that which theyhaue gathered together,and to calf away that, as a curled thing, which they haue laid sp as a precious treafure. They trua not in him, but make that their hope, and therefore hee will make that to deceiuc them when they haue greatefl neede of helpe. Theydoubt not but it fhall goe well with them, when otlei s be in extrem.tie,and thereforethey £hall bee brought into ltraits, when it (hall goe well with others. And fo mueh the rather beecaufe they doe notonely glory in their wealth, and lift vp themfetues aboue poore Chriflians,but arme therfeiues therewith andmake it a weapon ofopprefsion. Confolation . to good men that haue inward {Toreofgrace, though their outward flare ofmoney, or other fubffance bee very £lender and frnall: And though their friends fhould alto faile as well as their wealth, }' et they beeneither deffitute of friendfhip, or welfare. Becaufe the Lord himfelfe is all fuffici- ent in himfelfeandmoll necrely vnited,and knit vnto them by the bond of fatherhood.The Prophet profeffed,and publifh- cdhis affurance to all the world,that he fhould want nothing, in this regard that God was his 1hepheard.cPfal.z3. s, And how can he pofsiblie then bee forlorne, that bath him to his father ? Euen wicked men will be tender of their children,and theBeares and Dragons will be careful oftheir young ones. Lam,4.3. and (hall the God of all goodnefhe withdraw his hand tohelpe his Tonnes anddaughters ? efpecially fithens hce reacheth it out to minifler foode to euery lining creature, and among-a them to his very enemies?And from his owne kind- neffehe can bowmiens affalions to be kinde,and make their very enemies,frieûds,and friendly' veto them. And let that fall out that the times fhould bee heard, and the prices at vißuais high, yet Gods flore is not dirninifhed,nor his plentie abated, but he can afford his tamilie fufficient allowance as well in the dearea yeares, as when things bee at the cheapeft. And then indeed his prouidence is moll feene, and his goodneffe rnoft felt,and the truthof his woad moll clearely manifefled. For fo hepromifeth.`Pfg1.37. t 9.They'hall not be confounded in thepe. r,lloras times, and in the dales o f famine theyJhall haue enough. .l. Viiereof Vic. 3,