Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

5 r* 8" S. . Whereoflacob had experience in a fpeciall manner, he neuer faredbetter then in the yeares ofdearth,when all othe's wan- ted, he abounded : when the Egiptians themíelues that lowed the corne were ready to perifh for want ofcerne: he with his household was plenteoufly prouided fbr amongf} them, and that for nothing. 2 Terror forthem whole whole happinefre doth hang on their riches, though they bee full now, they may quickly bee emptied, and though they feeme to want nothing, the curie ofgod may fpeedily bring them to be deflitutc ofeuery thing. Sodid Mary fing by the (pink of God in her fongofrcioy- cing. Lake t .s 3.Hee bath filled the hun,'y withgood thirzgs,aFrd the richhee bathfent emptie away.And fo did Hanna allo praife the Lord for thefame. r .They that werefulliarehyred foorthforbrew,and the hungry are no more hired.A great alte- rationwas made in their hates onboth fidcs.The poorewhich laboured in other mens woorke for wages were fufficiently prouided for at home, and the rich and wcalthie which were maiflers ouer many, were compelled byneed to frame them- felues to beeother mens fcruants. Verfe..ç. Adeceitftill hand makeethpoore : bet thehandofthedi- !event maketh rich. Thisverfe alto contained' an anfvere to an otherobieFìi- on,which might rife out ofthe words immediately going be- fore:iffood and maintenance be the gift ofGod,and they that haue little (hall be kept from want, and they that haue great ffore (hall bee flript of all, to what end (hould men traueli and take paines ?the wifeíf way is to giue ouer all labour.Now this hee refuteth by (hewing the meanes whereby righteous men vie to receiue this food and prouifion fromGods hand, and that is by fedulitie and diligence in their vocations. And therefore he demonfirateth the contrary effc is ofcontrary rnen,namely,of flouthfull perfons, and fuchas be indufirious, and painefull. Slothful! perfons fí11 into two euills,the one is thepratife ofdcceitfulnefle, called heere a deceitfull hand, the