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the other is the burthen ofpouertie, which is a punifhment infliEed vpon them, both for fraud and idleneffe. They that bee diligent haue their reward yeelded veto them, that they thriue,andprofper by the labour of their hands : and though their wealth bee not fo great in quantitie, yet the ímalnefíe thereof is recompenfed in qualitie, and good vfe of it, and therefore is calledprecious riches. Chap.' 2.47. Ar_d fo they haue neither neede nor dilpofition to glue themfelues to de- ceitfull fhifìs, a flug.Yards. 1 deceitfull hand,&c. Falkdealing is no profitable trade Dof}.r. to gaine by, it rather hurteth then helpeth them that vfe it. Guiles bring Tending to this purpofe are many Parables in this booke,as nogame. Chap.' 3.".The riches ofvanitie (hall bee diminifhed,they may bee gotten, but not long kept, and though they perifh not, nor bee taken away all at once, yet they will confume. and bee walled by degrees. And as this euent is heere decla- red to come vponeuill gotten goods, to in an other place bee telleth the miferie that 4ía11 ouertake the men themfelucs,that fo flub for them. Chap. '9.'s. A deceitful) perfon Jhall bee affamifhed.. As wealth will forfake them, fo friends will faite them, and God will curie them, and pouertie will oppreife them. Firft, the Lord lothhate, and curfe both deceit, and de- leafons. ceiuers,as being abhomination unto him,and thereforehis dit pleafure will kindle a fire in their e(tate to confume them. Secondly, confider from whence very often this deceitful- 2 neffeproceedeth,from idlencife and remilnette ofmen in their callings,as many textsdoe tetlifie,and the antithefis efpecially, and oppofition in the two places beforealleadged.Now if fin- ale 4loathtulneflîe of it felfe will fo Bate vp a mans efhate, as heereafter is to bee (hewed, muchmore when it hathiuch a companion to take part with it. And for experience hhereof, looke vpon gametlers, and coutoners, and thifters, and all filch kinde ofpeople,and fee whether their owne negligence,. and vniuft courtes doenot like hungry andgreedy beatles de uour and fvvallow vp all their portions. ii). Thirdly,,