em.T,z7. Thirdly, it is a righteous thing with God fo to requite them with penurie,that by fraud,and falfehood feeke to bring other men to it. Inffru&ion, if wee bee vifited with beggerie or needineffe (the burdenofpouertyprefsing vs foheauily that wee cannot well beare it ) let vs examine our owne courfes, and call our waies to account, to fee whether our owne fraud and guile haue not brought fuch a gueft to our houfes : and fo doing, wee (hall turne thepoyfonvnto a medicine, and that which is to others a iudgement,may bee to vs a fingular mercy to draw vs to repentance,from fuch vnrighteous behauiour. Secondly,wee be yet feared from the flroakof God,that he bath not arrefledour fubflance being forfeited by falfehoode, nor depriued vs ofthe fame. Let vs then fpeedely preuent the punifhment by breakingoffthe tinnc by repentance,bymer. cie,by reformation and reflitution to the right owners,fo faras pofsiblywee 'hall be able. Reproofe oftheir follywhich hope to inrich themfelues by deceit and wrongfull dealing, trufling to rife by that which bringeth others to a fall,and to turne that to a gaine,which is to others a ioffe.But by triall they fhall bee taught, that they may as well looke to thriuc by vnthriftineffe, as to increafe their flock by deceit : or profit themfelues by rapine, and wrongdoeing. Obiea. But it appeareth that their fucceffe is correfpon- dent to their expe&ation,the euent proueth that they make a gaine of it.The Prophet teftifieth, that as a cage is full of Birds, fo their houfes arc full of deceit, and thereby they arc become great,andwaxen rich. Anlivere, Theymay get things into their hands, andyet be preuented of the fruition of them. They may haue them for a time,and lofe them at the laft,as the fame Prophet alto tea- cheth : as the Partridge gathereth,or layeth egges,andhatch. eth not, fo he that getteth riches, and not by right 'hall leave them in the middeft of his daies, and in the end dye like a foole. They hauenot abroode of comforts, fo foone as they fit upon their nefUofriches, they may be trodden vpon,or ad- dle,