1117Yi"GIVOG17"1 7 y',. Oft f ,die, or eaten vp. Euill may befall them beefore they can doe them any good, or if their goods rcmaine, themfelues may Toone be remoued from their goods : and in themeant time haue the croffe of Godon foule,&bodie,which is muchmore grieuous, then to be (mitten in outward eutate. Tut the hand of the diligent,&c. They greatly help their Doi, z: òwne citate that are ainefì:ll, and faithful in their vocations. Amanfa;th p full inhisca Among many teffimonies whereby this point is confirmed, lingbetters that is to be noted which is in the r 3.Chapter of this booke. his eflate. Thefoule ofthe diligent /hall home plentie,or be madefist, as the proucrb.z3, word fignifieth. Where thoughby foule he vnderf}andeth the whole man,yet that part is not named invaine. Theirbodie, and outward man (hall haue inough,and the foule and inward man thall be content and fatisfied with inough, and much re- frethcd by it. Firfl,it is appointed tomanby thedecree of God,not one- Reatbtis.z ly as a dutie to trauell,and labour,but alío as a portion toBate his bread thereby, and inioy the fruit ofhis labour, gen.3. r 9 `Pfal.r28.2. Secondly, diligence,and painefulneffe, is a feruice to God, Z and they that here haue thepromifemade to them,are fuck as performe their works in confcience, and obedience to his will, & therfore maywel beafruredéof allowance to maintain them. As for filch as work for the worlds fake,inpride,and couetouf,- nefre, or vpon coat-bon andnecefsitie, orfor any other finiíler refpc61,they may be faid tobe great doers that medic inmuch dealing, but nothing diligent : and therefore it is no maruell, though all their toyle and trauell doe feldome take any good effeet. Thirdly,their paines and laboursare for the common good, 3 they ferne for the vfe and profit of mankinde, (for they that fpinne the fpidersweb, and are more bufie then well occupi- ed, arcnot tobe counted in the numberof thefe) and therfore (hall not fails of the benefit of it themfelues. Fourthly,faithfull imployment,and paines taking is a me- 4 dicine again(} pride, and helpeth to worke humilitie, andEcclef,a,a thereforemaketh ready the way for all good profperitie. T.iij. Fiftlya