Vfe; crfe.s, Fiftly, by this meanes they are kept from vicious compas nions, and fìnfull exercifes, and all kinde of fuch vnthriftie courtes, as whereby the Dates of many men come to vtter ruine and ouerthrow. InflruCion to all degrees from the highei that fitteth on, the throne, vnto the loweffthat clenfeth the chanels,or grind. deth at the mill, that euery one attend with heedefulneíre to the dutiesofhis callingwithoutremifnefre, or negligence. Art thou great, and fubflantiall,as we vie to fay ? take this way to increafe thy greatnefre, and inlarge thy fiibflance, and as the multitude ofriches and titles doth not diminifh thy likingand 'eflimation of them, fo let it not abate thy induf}rie and dili- gence in any feemely feruices. And thou which art poore,and of inferiotrr place, let it not repent thee to trauaile in woorkes that others peradventure would difdaine to ezercife, but pro- ceede in hope, and know for thy comfort that in all labour there is abundance.Chap. r 4.z3, And albeit now thou art at the commandementofothers, and according to their wils art Nholy vfed in their workes,yet remember that the handofthe diligent fhall beare rule. Chap. rz. a4. From a feruant thou. mail} grow to beea mailer, from a labourer or hireling, thou mais attaine to be anofficer, and haue others at thy comman- dement. But whatfoeuer thy (late proue to beamongíl men, afritre thy (elfeof the reward ofinheritance from God,tor thou feruei the Lord Chrii.c0l.3.24.. glee that gathereth in fommer is aTonne of vnderfan_ ding, and hee that f eepeth in haruefl £ afonne of cor fufon. The drift of'there wordes is to teach men toredeems the time and make the bell aduantage of the feafons, comparing oportunitie to fommer or hartueil,when the fruits ofthe earth are ripe, and ready to begathered; and the perfòns towhom it is offred, to husbandmen that haue commodities growing in the fields. And therefore we iudge himprudent which fo flirt-eh himfelfe,. and haffeneth his people to cut downe his corne