God openethhis to giue,they thatarc prepared to accept with tbankefulneffe, as hec is ready to bellow in merde, fuch (hall haue the blefsings of God confirmedvnto them with new- blefsing,; and to themwill he communicate much and often, and that which is excellent, which vfefpeedy intertainment to his graces. But on the other fidewhen menholdhim off with delaies,and grow nice, and coye, and turne his benefits backe upon him, they 'ball be boon rid ofthem,and flript ofall his mercies : they (hall call and cry at another time and haue no anfwere, they (hall 'earthand feeke,and finde no fucceffc,they !hallfide their wants,and faileoffupply to releeue them. Reproofe ofthem that be euill husbands for themfelues,in the things of this prefent life, pretermitting the precious time ofgetting skill in any profitable trade or fcience, and onely !carne the art of vanitie, and bee many yeares apprentifes to dogs, and dice, and hawkes,andboules, and to eucry ruffianly companion, that (hall teach them to fwagger, and fweare, to fwill, and quaffe, and play all the parts ofprofeffed Atheifis. And fo at lafl (their wits beeing worne out for want ofwife- domc,which would haue preferued them, their flrength con- fumed in flriuing to doe mifchiefe, and age perifhing in them as neuer yeelding fruite to themfelues, or any others) they come to that condition as did thevagabonds that Iob fpeaketh of,that eueryman will be readie to prefer his dogs beforethem (as in ecjuirie it is fit for the mailer to take thebetter handof the feruant)and to let his very dunghill haueprcheminencea- boue them. Their wretched and turfedcourtes inmifpending their time do worke them the fulneíTe ofwoe and miièry,and make them odious and hatefull toGod and godly men,and to ciuill men, and burthenous and loathfome to vngodly and fin- full men . Secondly, of them that be vnthriftie for their foules, which neuer apply thenifelues to prepare for another life,be- fore they be departing out of this.They doe not once thinks offeeking heauen and euerlafling faluation, until! they bee finking into hell,and perpetual! perdicion. They imagine that earthly things will require long labour to compare them,but pietie, and grace,repentance,and faith,may begotten in a mo- ment