. ment : they be ready at their will,and their will wilbe flexible to their wifh, and neither abilitie, nor will, nor with will bee wanting at the time of their deathes. Ohmiferable men,how longwill their eyes bee blinded ? How longwill their hearts be hardned ? do theynot perceiue that fume and Sathan haue power ouer their affeuionsand defìres,andpurpofes,andwill, and all the faculties of their whole foules ? Fuen this maketh it cleare that it is fo, becaufe they doe not perceiue it to be fo. And iftheir foules bec in filch bondage and fubiehfion, and held at the wil of the diuell,that now in their frefh age&health (their fences being more capable ofinllruC} ion, and the mini- flerieofthe word readie toyeeld inflruEtion)that they cannot attaine to found and godly forrow, and conuerfion : let them not deceiue them(elues,as though in ficknefre,and paine, and dorage,and fencelefenefle, and affeCted blindneffe of nitride, they can by their owne difpofition returne fincerely to the Lord. clef ing.rarevim the headofthe' righteous : ht iniquitie !badcower the mouth ofthe wick d. Blefings, That is, all kinde ofhappinefhe, euery good gift ofGod that is fitte for them,as peace,plentie,grace,and health, &c.All (hall be vpon the head of the righteous, meaning vp- ponthe whole foule and body of euery faithful' holy man. And they are laid to be on the head,becaufe they corne downe from aboue,and light as it were upon thehead, and fo difcend to the other parts. Bat iniquitie, the vengeance ofGod exe- cuted for violence and finne,fha]l touer the mouth of the wit- ked,lhall take away all excufes, and defences from him. Now heere is fomewhat vnderl}oode in the former claufe, and ex- prelTed in the latter : and fomewhat expref ed in the latter,and to be fupplyed in the foriner.Blefsings are vpon the head of the righteous, and therefore doeopen his mouth,viz,to praifc God,andmaintaine his owne innocencie,and iudgenients(cal- led here violenceor iniquitie,byametonymie ofthe caufe)hey are vpon the head ofthe wicked, and fo clofe vp thei mouth. K. 73lefiings Verfe, e.