Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

rouer s. rt .io. er. o 9:. t. Bleftîngi, &c. The greateft reward that God loth giue to effednesis his feruants in this life, is to bleflè thein.That is vei y ordina. *greaten ricwith the Prophets in thePfalrnes,andother placesofScrip- ft feruants, God to turc inMatingwell to the Church, to pray for this, and in s gratulations to commend it, and in thankefulnef to God to acknowledge it. As in the fift Pfalmc, ver. 12. defiring the comfort and ioy of faithfull men, andpraying the Lord to worke it in them, he theweth what iuil caufe, they had tobee foaffeaed : For thou Lord (faith hee) wilt blefre therighteatts, andwithfauour wilt compalre him as with afhicld. cafon, i. Fira, fuch blefsings as are heere fpokenof,be fure tef1imo® nies of Gods loue, and proceed* meerely from his gracious goodneffe, they arc infallible pledges ofhis tauour, as it ap- peareth in the wordes of the PUme lait quoted. 2 Secondly, they be prerogatiues peculiarlie appropriated tm godly men, for faith hee in an other place: Saluation belong. eth to the Lord, and thy blefiingts vpon thypeople. It is aiwaies accompanied with faluation, none are bleffed but Inch as are faued, andnoneare either blci1 dorfaued,but Inch as are the people of God. 3 Thirdly, theyhaue all good things infolded in themwhich readilie according to our needeareminifiredvetovs. Deist,2$. 4 Fourthly ,Godsblefsings doe feafon all profperitie,and the gifts that it btingcth,and maketh themcomfortable andall ad- uerfitie, andmaketh it profitable, whereas the curie dothpoy- fonboth to thewicked. Cc. r, Inflruetion that whereas wedefire to haue the Lordpour* this heauenly gift vponvs,fo let vs obferuc the condicions that hedothprefcrnbe to them which(hall receiuc it. Let vs get ho= lineffe intoour hearts, and blefsings cannot chufe but bee vpon ourheads : let righteoufrefFe haueplace in our actions and bchauiour, and peace will haue force in our foules and bodies . 2 Confolation to all true hearted Chriflians that haue this bleffed gift of Gods blefsing. flee that may truely be Paid to pork& theblefsing, cannot pofsibly fay how much he doth poi ci1;Thevaricticofhis trcaíurc is vn[pcakcablc a his Tube' ffancc