.t.. r fiance exceedcth all eflimation : his inheritance is endleffe, and without all bounds and limits. Thoughwee Ihould be as much molefledwith malitious rnen,as Dauid,and `Paul were, and as much affaulted by Sathan and tryed by Gods ovine hand, with lot es,or bodily infirmities,as fob was yet if we be blefredof God as they were,what caute can there be offeare, or griefe, or difc.ontentment ? The blefsingbringeth ftrength for fupportance in them : the blefsingbringcth ifftte and deli - ucrance out of diem, the blefsing worketh the right vie of them : the blefsing yeeldeth a plentifidll reward, of comfort and good profperrtre in this life, andofglorie and cuerlaflrng happineffe in the life to come. When Godentreth into iudgement withwicked men, hee will caufe the plague fo to manifeil their finnes,that they (hall Wicked inc not bee able todenie them. Though hipocrites can make the fin !hall bri greatefi Phew, and vfuallic bee moli forward to fpeake for them tofha themfelues: yet when God found out the difTernbler in the Gofpell,and calledhim to a reckoning for intrudinghimfelfe to his feali without a wedding garment,he was flrikendumme mat.s,z,rze and fpcechleffe,hec couldplead nothing for himfelfe. Haman flandingonelybefore theminifler ofGodsvengeance,hatting beene before that time his greatefl friend,yet whenHeger ac- Hef.7.c, cufedhim of his falfe and cruel praetices:he floods mutc,and couldnot reply.HHe that attempted to flop themouthof 1t1or- docai, had his owne mouth flopped with his violence. And therefore when God himfelfecommeth to indite n+en,and to fet their firmes in order before them,all mouthes (hall be flop- Pfal.fo.ar, ped,and all the world (hall be culpable before him.No Gnfnl Rom.3,t9:. and vnregenerateperfonwhich bath no right toplead Chrifis nterits,can pofsibly fpeake any thing to iiiflifie himfelfe. Firfl, that the Lord new haue his wards verified to be all Reafons. true and righteous,& his dealings alto (Sall and hoìy.U.V. ¡ 1.4. And for this caufe ho'xfoeuer finfùll menhaue their mouthes Shut vp at his iudgements that they can fay nothing for them- fclues, yet he doth fometimes open their mouthes, to draw out a confefsion againfl themfelues,as in the cafe of Iudas, and. Pharao and JIdonibe.tek lfat. 27.4. eXod.o,27. Judges. 1,7. K.rj. Second-