.z' Secondly, in regardof the e1eì finners, that feeing the fin and punifhmentmixed together, and themfelues guilde of the one, and worthie ofthe other, theymay be hunibled,and dri- uen to repentan:e. So were Iofephs brethren frighted, and brou iht tomake this confefsion : what (hall we fpeake ? and how ¡hall we iuflifie our felues ? God hath found out the wic- kednefre ofthy feruants.Çen.44. i 6. Thirdly,it maketh the tormentsof the reprobate to be ex- ceedingfearefull and terrible. Fourthly,it is for admonition to others to take heede by their examples, This hathZwhary. Chap. z. 4. 5. 6. &c. Re not likeyourfathers that would not heare theformer Prophets. Where areyourfathers ? Did not my words take holdof them ? and they returned andfaid, as the Lord hash determined to doe vnto vs, accord.n& to our owne wages, and worker, fo hath bee done. Fiftly, for the ioy and comfort ofGods people, feeing the Lord vndertaking their caufe, and executing his wrath vpon their enemies. Admonition, not to aduenture to commit fuch liinnes as wee can cloak; and coulour by denials, defences, excufes, or extenuations : or ifwee haue that way faulted already, let vs fpecde our confefsion, leafy the Lord hallen his plagues to compel' vs vnto it,or ifwee will not bee brought to acknow- ledge them our felues,the iudgements andcurfes which he will fend iorth, (hall openly publith and decía, c them. And there- fore it is good to iudge our felues, that lice may (pare vs: to open our mouthes for a free confefsïon,and to (hut them from lefrening ofour offences. Sodid lob. Chap 3 9. 3 7. Behold, I am vile : what ¡hall Ianfwere thee ? Iwill lay my hand vponmy mouth. Once basic Ifpok,en, but Iwill anfwere tso more,yea taxi /e, but I willproceede nofurther. And that grace doth God pro- mife to his people by the Prophet er.echiell I will efi<ablrl1 my couenant with thee,and them ¡halt loom that I am the Lord, that thou maießrememb(r, andbe aJhamed,andneuer open thy mouth any more : becanfeofthy¡hame, when Iampacified towards thee, for all that thou haft done, faith the Lord God. 7h*