!' ue ji9.1 0,7, The memoriallofthe lift 'hall beef1' fred: but the not), of the wickedfhgll rotte. This is one perticular ofthe blefsings mentioned in the for nier verfe, that that which is dearell to a man, as his mane, £hall bec in ef}imation,and good account. The remembrance and mentionof him being abfent aliue,and when hce is dead, £hall bee acceptable,and with his praife and commendation : But the nameof the wicked is curfed,and therefore had in ha- trcd,and deteflation, euen as much loathed as the flinke of his carcafíe,that lyeth rotting in the graue. The credite and honour ofgood menwill grow to bebets Doeto ter, and the reputation offinners will bee turned into fhame. Goodmeta in cre Onely godly men haue good names, and it is one difference Luc;nncrs that God putteth betweene them and the wicked, that they loryeeesi bee bleffed heerein peculiarly, and all others excluded from fhacaac, the benefit of it. Such a threatning cloth Ifaia4 denounce aa gainfl the wicked:You/hallleaueyour name 44 acurie tom), cho- fen :for the Lord Godfhallflay youand call hisferuants by a new name. Though finfull men bee magnified offinners, yet they (hall bee nude abhotriinable to Saints, and that is thegreatelL reproach : and though good men bee defpifèd of the world, yet Godwill giue them glory, and increafe it, and vouchfafe the title3, not onelyof his feruants, but euenof his owne chil- dren. Firf}, they all, and none but they, arc in credite with God Reafons. io and good men,and that onely is to beaccounted truc honour. Secondly,thegraces offound hearted Chriflians,will more and more appeare, and thine out, and the fecret fumes of hi' pocrites,ar,d other cuill men will bee difcouered,and brought to light, and both forts gall haue eflimation in time,according to their behauiour. 1. Tim. ç . 24.2 J.. Thirdly, glorie is an vnfeperablecompanion ofgoodnefTe: 3 and fo is fharneoffinne : forGod bath ioyncd them together, and therefore bee that bath one of them cannot bee without the other. K.iij Confu. VCrCe.7a