vCe, r; 21.49II,Iz. 2 7 Confutation oftheir crrour, that hope to be-comebona» rable,ana famous,and toleave a name behinde them,by ílefh. ly courfes : Come by gettingmuch, and raying vp their hou- fes,and performinggi eat exploytes.But the vnhappie fucceffe of their vaineexpeeiation,is noted in the Pfalmes,that though they thinck their houles and habitations (hail continue from generation,to generation,and call the lands by their names,yet they (hall not continue inhonour, but perifh like beafis that dye of the tnurraine. Who in all the worldpreuailed like to Nabucadnezzar, in Nabsrcadnezzars tirne,and yet howfoeuer he was applauded and admired at the firf},he was deridedand exploded at the lafl, and made a prouerbe, and parableof re- proach ? Some by fine wit and policie, and dexteritie in fpea- king.But let erfchitophel,and Herod be examples to thefe, the one in counfell was wonderful' deepe,and his fpeecheswere as oracles, and yet wee repute him not to be a ivan of famous memory,but behold in him thevery image and figureofinfa mie. The other for his eloquent oration, was deified of the people,and witha concordant acclamation extolled for a god; but yet as God layd a prefent firoke vpon his bodie, and de- litteredhis life into thepower of bare vermin,to gnawout his bowel's : fo he layd a continuall curie vpon his name, which will cleaue vnto it for euer. Some others by hipocrifie,and pretence of inercie and pittie : andyetwith out all confcience or loueof either. But praile fo purchafed,is fubieet to flames and loue ofcolour.The Pharifies had obteined the opinionof goodneffe,godlineffe,righteoufneffe, and of all vertue. They were almoft ofall men,thought to be the moll holymen:and can there now bee a greater indignitic offered. to a man then to call him a Pharifec ? for that name carrieth in it the perfel paterne of pride, hipocrifie, and palpable difsiniulation.. Confolation to righteous men that God vndertaketh the proteCion,oftheirnames : it is not in the power of any crea7 turc to fpoyle themof their credit and reverence : it is as Pure- ly preferued as their faluation,, as their life is eueriafiing : fo is the amiable remembranceofthem, 'Pal. I 12. 6. The Pro- phets, and A.pofiles, and Chrifl himfeife, and goodmen in their