rosier s. a4.1o.Ver.: ® 71 their times were .eaill fpoken of, and now hauea molt hieffed memoriall. And foof latter yeares,it was a great dignitie to be a YYofey,or a Gardiner,orothers that weere of great place,and cruell difpofition, but nowwee reuerence the names ofCram- mer, 'kidley, Latimer, Hooper, Bradford, and the meanelt of them that fuffered for theGofpell ofC.hrif ,though theywere then condemnedfor heretikes. The Apafflc 'Peter incoura- geth vs to be bold and checrefull though we fhould be railed vpon for Chrift his fake : for the fpirit of God is a fpirit of glory, and that is giuen to vs and rcfteth upon vs, and who (hall remouc it from vs ? Nabothesname was in great hazard to be blemished, when hee was conuiE ed, and executed for treafon, and,and nomeanes leaft in appearance, to elearchis innocencic : yet God knowing it, hath made vs to know it, and the short fhamc that he bare for a tire,is turned w a durable honour throughall generations. The wfe inheart will receiue commandement r : be the f oolifh irr takefhallbe beaten. 7'he wire in heart,' &c. That is,fuch as haue fauingknow.. ledge,and confcience, will receiue commaundements, will beam and obey thewordof Godwithout replies, andcauils, againf it: but thefoolifh in talke,he that abufethhis lips to murmuring andfriuolusobieuions :AObee beaten, that is,ihalbeplagued for his contempt. The fence will beplainc,ifthe fupplybe made inbothdal. fesofthcoppofition, in this manner : Thewife inheart will readily receiuecommandements,and therefore (ball be rewar-. vled : but the foolifh in heart will bec foolifh in talke toreicet commandements, therefore (hall be punifhed. we ought to be tra table to the will of God, without rc- f ftingor gainfaying. To this ductie Saint lances doth admo- nith vs faymg a Let everyman befrrift toheare,andflow to 'freak: his meaning is trot to perfwade men to conic fodaincly, and rafhly to theword without preparation : but to hearken defi. roufy, with rcucrcncc and attention when theyare prepared, and Verfe.8; boa Men muff0.7. baywhere Godcorn-!i mends. Ianics.14,91