Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

72 fro% r 4 e andnot to picke quarrels again!' that which is deliuered, vt .; aduifedly and out ofa dillempered affeetion,but vpon mature deliberation with a minde willing to be refolued, to propofe their doubts. eaíons,r. Fira, the Lordhath abfolute authoritieover vs, and there. fore he iuf'ly may lay his commandements vpon vs, 2 Secondly, his whole will, and all his wares are perfe(ily righteous,and therefore to take exception again'' themmil needes be vnrighteous. 3 Thirdly, they are altogether full ofwifedome, and there- fore none but fooles will prefume to charge themwith folly. V:e.Y, Tnaru(tion to call off,and remove away the finfull lulls of our hearts, the flefhlydifcourfe ofcarnall reafon, and the re- folute and fetledpurpofe ofanywickedway.For all thefe will imbitter the foule,and whet the tongue to withiland and refill the holy commandements ofGod. lames. i. z t.a. `Pet. 2.14, L7-.44.16.17. Reproofe of them that are willing to receiue thepromifes ofGod, but not the commaundement$ : or if they doe,it is in filch things as bee agreeable to their owne will,o r leaf' not r.42. le. contrary to it. So they dealt with Ieremiah, ntreating him to declarevnro them,all that the Lordfhould fay,and they would doe ìf., and they would haue beene as good as their word,ifhe had incouraged them to take their voyage into Egypt, whi- ther they were bent to goe : but when he difwaded them from . it, by expreffe prohibition and threatnines, they grew to ano» then point,that it was not God which fpake that, but Ierensie, and Iercmie did not fpeake truely, but faifelyy and it was not of himfelfe, but from Baruch, and I'aruch had no good mea- ning in it,but todeliuerthcm into the hands of the Chaldeans. to be flaine,or carryedaway captives. Icr.43. 2:3.. Confolation for them that fubmit themfelues to learne and ob y the do&rine ofgodswill,though it many times do crof e them in their ofec`1ions,and deliires, in their reafon and con- ceits, in their pleafures and 'delights,in their ptofits and corn- modiries:-this manifel'eth true wtfedome,this declareth a faith- ftii heart,this giueth a cleere'talimony offinceritie. The rich young,