73 young manattainednot to this,nor Herodwent fo far though he did many things byJohns perfwafion, yet bee would not wholy conforme himfelfe as to the will ofGod, to doeeuery thing,or to leaue euery thing according as he required. c2Iat. Ic9.22..Mar.6. 17. I8.2o Tcrrour for the brauegallants of our age which exercife their ripeheads,and frefhwits in wrefiling with the truth of God,and take it for a glory to giue it a foyle.But howfoeuir their prompt wits,& ready tongues together with art,and Sa- thans afsif}ance,may fometimes perplexeand trouble a ppoore Chriflian, yet fhall they nothing preuaileagainf} Chrif}, and his veritie, nor gaine any thing at his hands, but fhame and punifhment. It were fafer for them to incounter with tenne Sampfons then to try their manhoode with onepoint,or article of Gods, holy do&rine. But their cafe is wort} ofall,which ob- flinately, peruerfcly,andofwilful! malice doe reieft all that is taught them out ofthe word.It is in vaine to admonifh them, as the Prophet faith,Hof4.4.Thypeople areas they that rebuke the Trieft : that is,prefumptuous perfons,finning with anhigh hand,in refuting to heare,or be dire&edby the Prief},thenof the law, Deut.17.1 2. or to giue care to the minif}ers of the Gofpel now : butcontentioufly difobey the truth,and fobring upon their owne foules indignation,and wrath,tribulation,and anguifh.Rom. 2.9 . Hee that walkéth vprightly, walkethbouldy : but bee that Verte. y. peruerteth his waies,fhallbe known. He that walketh vprightly, that is, doth carefully looke to his waies,with an hone(} heart,walkethfurely,hauing both the of eaion, and ground, and effects of Chriflian bouldncffe :. but bee that peruertethhis waies, that is, doth allow himfelfe in any courfe, thoughneuer fo fecretly,fhall be knowne,his finnes fhall be detefted. The fenceof the whole verfe may be thus exprefted : Hee that walketh vprightly, walkethfurely,. becaufe his faithfulnefre ;Lill bee knower to his praife; And hee that peruerteth his L. waies, w.,e.n.tafi.., _