Protierbs, Chap,to. Per.p. zvaieo; . álkfth dangeraufly, beecáufe his lewdenefTe fhall bee knowne to his fh;me. Doi}. All found fafetie,and boldneffe proceedeth from finceritie hues fare- ofheart,and intcgritieof life. Euery religious man that feareth that cecc111ics the Lord,hath this promifeWahl 12.7, 8.That no mill tidings l7,all make himafraid,6ecaufe he beleeueth in the Lord: dill the worldwould tell him ofperill,when God himíelfe doth war. rant him fafetie,he will giuemoll credit tohim that bath molt truth, and moll power alto to difpofc of all euents. And his heart is not as a pole that is pitched vp, or a flake that is flic- ked vp, which eueryhand may plucke away,or euery blafl of winde may blow downe,nor like a dry wall without a quoine or buttreflCe, or anyother binding to fortifie it : but it is fixed andeflablifhed as a treethat is well rooted,&groweth firong- ly,or abuilding that bath a Pure foundation,and flandeth fail, and fo is freedfrom feare and all flauifh terreur. eatuns.r. Firfl,his heart bath Gods owne eye tobehold it,and his fpi- rit to tellific the faithfulneffe ofit, and fo receiueth comfort fromhim. lob. 3 1. 3z. whereas the hearts of hypocrites bee- ing fearchcd byhim,are foundmoll fraudulent and deceitful!. 2 Secondly, the courfe of their aEtions is fuch as will indure light, and the more they are examined, the better they will prooue,and thereforethey need not feare anymight or malice, or cunningaduerfaries that fhal feeke their difgrace,lfa. fo. 7. 8. And though their enemies for a time doe falfely flander them, yet the Lord in due feafonwill make their righteenf- nefTe as cleare as the noone day. 7);11.37 .6. Thirdly, their bodies and fiatearc inGods cuflodie,and he hath vndertaken the defence, and preferuationof them. Cap. 3.2 6. Pfal.9 z .whereas the wicked are out ofGods proteCion, and goe perpetually inperil'. Fourthly,their foules are prepared for deathand the iudge- mentfeate ofChrifl,and therefore more dcfire to beediffel- ued,then are afraid to heareof thenecrenefTeoftheir difl"oluti- on, which is contrary in the wicked,who all their dayes are in bondage to the feare of death and damnation. Heb.2. z 1. ir#c.a, Intlration to get apparant and euident tellimonies of upright-