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vprightneffe, which will makeour hues comfortable,&keep offmanymiferable vexations,andhorrors,that come vpon the wicked. And this wee (hall doe,ifwee labour to know all that Godwould haue vs to learne,& to indeuor to praetife all that wee know,and to confeffe to God all that we faile topraaife: forfo farre as wee are willingly ignorant ofany dutie,or care- le% toperforme it, or fecure whenwe negleft it, & conceale Pfal.32,z,3, our fnnes,not acknowledging them that theLord may remit them : fo far wee come fhort of a good confcience. Confolation,forall that bevpright,that whether theywalk 2 abroad,or flay at home : whether they be in company with o-. thers, or alone by themfelues : whether it be in the day or in the night;. whether they bee walking, or fleeping : they arc well affured ofcertainc fafetie. Terrour for finfull men, whole confciences be at all times. 3 readie to affaile them.Naturall courage will not help them in the timeofextremitie :how many kerningvery valient,as Said for example,haue through defperate feare,laide violent hands vpon their owne bodies.;And let power and courage concur to gether,yet bothwilbe infufficient to flrengthen a heart that Gods iudgement,and their owne guiltineffe doeweaken. As Bal./hazzar being bold to defie Cyrus, and to bid battell to the Lord himfelfe, profaning his holy veffells in deípight of him : yet now in the middeft of iolitic,amongfl his friends, in his owne haule, in a f}rong cittie,garded with an hoaff of ar- med fouldiers, bee was fo.frighted, and terrified, that his countenance was changed, his heart was refolued into dait- ardlinef e,the ioyntes ofhis loynes were loofed,and his knees (mote one againff an other. And what was it that fo dan- ted him ? the fight ofan hand, writing vpon the wall. There were neither more enemies, nor fewer friends, nor any o- ther alteration then beefore, but God wakened his confci- ence, and his confcience (hewed him his guiltineffe,and alto- gether thteatned his dcflruaion, and heerebv his great cou- ragewas fo quickly killed. And this allo nay ferue to take a- way thevaine confidence of foolifh men that be bold tocom- mit iniquitie,& yet looke to efcape the reproach of it:hopin L.ii neuer