Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

neuer to be found out. But they forget that the Apoflle faith that niens finnes come to light in diuers maners,fotpeprefent.. ly vpon the fa61,fome long after:Come in their life time,fome after they be dead,fome referued to the lait day:but fo that all 'm.t.z4.zs (hall certainely be manifefled one day.Caine hadas faire pof- fibilitie and likelihood to couer his crueltie,as euer any (inner had,ot pofsibly can haue to conceale his offences,no man but himfelfe knowing of it, no circumfbnces beeing to lift itout by,ithee wouldkeepe his owne counfell;and yet what fart al- moll is more notorioufly knowen, and publifhed, and that with detef}ation,then his murdering ofÁ6e/?And it is not to be imputed to his owne fhlineí%, or carelefneffe of his name and credit,as though negligently he haddifcouered it himfelfs for hewould haue hid it from the Lord,& confequently from all nicn,ifhe couldhauc fo carryed the matter. erfe.t®. Hee that winkethwith the eye wor&ethfurrow: andhet that isfooliJl9 in talkeBall bee beaten. This confirmeth the latter claufe of the former verfe,that they that peruert their waies (hall bee knowne, though they doe it neuer fo fecretly : which is meant by the winkingof the eye. Yet by this it (hall appeare that it is knowne,becaufe it (hall bee punilhed. For as theypra&ife mifchiefe againfl o thers,and many times worke them forrow : fo they certainely bring mifchiefe on their owne heads, and procure forrow to their owne foules. And yet all winking is not condemned: butthat which tendeth to hurt : when men winkewiles. The oha; 2,4. Apofile bekned or winked at John that hee fhould aske who it was that fhould betray Chrifl,& yet this was well done of him; for he (hewed a reuerend regardofChrift,that he would not bee lowd and audacious in his prefencc. If they peruert their waies openly by beeing foolifh in fpeech, open fudge- ment (hall bee executed vpon them for their open finncs,and Doff thereby theirmouthes (hall bee flopped. nne mua It is not fafe to vfe anymember ofthe body,or any geflure ue Itoaim. though timer fo clofely, to commit finne. The fonnes of rA, Balialb AdmommiesmommounimiewIEINIIIIIIME