Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Teliall,vnthriftie perfons,are fo dcfcribedby their behauiour, and threatned to bee puniíhed. Chap. 6.1z.13.14. Is.. He walke,th with a froward mouth, hee makfthafgne with his eyes, bee fignifietb with his feete, hee inflrut7eth with hisfingers, &c. Therefore 'bail his deftruSion come fpeedely : hee 'hall bee de froyedfodenywithout recouerie. They are marices and meffengers ofa finfull heart within, Reafons. as in the fame Chap. ver. r 4. Lewde thinsare in his heart,hee imaggineth euill at all times. Secondly,great hurt is done by fuckgeflures and fpecches, 2 and other likebehauiour. Thirdly, the members ofour bodies, as eyes, and tongue, 3 and fuck like,were created for the feruice of God, and are re- quired to beeweapons of righteoufnefhe againfi finne,andnot offinne, againfi God andhis righteoufneffe. Rom.6. r 9. To looke well to euery one ofthem, that noneof them be Vie r. in pay with Sathan, or luf}, or mallice, to fight the battailes of the flefh, again[} the word and fpirit of God. The Lord for- biddeth to let a Foote towards the breach of the Sabbath, or to finite with the fife ofwickedneffe, or to lift vp a finger to crueltie or hard dealing. Ifay. 58.4.9. r 3. Terrour for them that haue the members oftheir bodies as armed rebels againfi the Lord, all following a finfull heart which is their captaine and leader. Confolation to the feruants of God,thatthe Lord behol- deth euery looke of thewicked aduerfaries, euery beck, euery nod, and all their plots,and praetifes, and therefore euery one (hall bee fruftrate and defeated. And fo the Lord heareth the boafis and infultations, the threatnings and Flanders, and all kind&ofhurtfull calumniations, that arc breathed out againf} his people,hee will take their caute inhand,and thofe virulent tongues that haue beaten others with falfe accufations, and lies,fhall be beaten themfelues with the rod of his vengeance, and the innocencie of the righteous fhall bee cleared by the punifhxncut infliE}ed upon their oinks. The 2