Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Yerfe.n. The mouth0/.4 ri hteeue man is a zoelfpringof life : brie iniuitiecouereth the mouth ofthe wicl¿ d, In Ifraell, and in the countries bordering vpon it, it was a. great benefit to hauewels ofwater,both for the vieofmen and of the cattle,& therefore thingsof great account be many times compared to them in the Scriptures, and heere the mouth of a righteous man is fo called in a double refpeft, both for the conflancie ofgoodconference(according to the fimilitude,for. fuch fprings as were continuall, and would hold out as well in. Sommer as in Winter, were laid to bee wellsofhuing water. Gertz6. 19.) as alfo, and efpecially for the good effeet, that they be inf}ruments fomerimes to beeget,and vfually to con- firmeand refrefh the life ofthe foule. The latter part of the verle hathbeene expounded in the fixt v'erte. The expofìtion f}andeth thus : Themouthofa righteous . manBoth flow alwaies with wholeforne words, and therefore. {hall bec continued openwith blefsings : But the mouth of a wicked man loth flow aiwaies with hurtful! words;and ther- fore thall be flopped with violence. ood men The mouth o f the rghteous, sic. A goodman is neuer bar- autever ren cfgood fp reches. It is given as a precept by the Apof}le )04wordes. to the Collofsians.4. 6. that their fpeech fhould bee alwayes gracious and poudredwith fait, that is, holy and wholefome tor the matter, and difcreete and feafon;ble for the manner, which is notonely a commaundement deliuered by God, as a thing that ought to bee : but a duetic in exercife and pratife with all godly Chrifhans. }teems.: Firf}, the law of theLord is in their heart, and therefore they cannot choofe but talkeand confer of it. PJa1.37.30.31. Secondly, their louetoGod and the confcience oftheir du- tieconUra-ineth them to praife him for his word: and nature,and works and to make his glory appearevnttj others. Thirdly,they vie it as a meanes to refrefh their owne harts,, and to procurehelp by práyer,and loch other exercifes,for the fupply ofall their wants offoule and body. Fourthly,