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rouer ?' Yer,t2, 79 Fourthly,their loue to their brotherand delire to haue nien brought to euerlafaing life,doth fhr them to teach and exhort, to rebuke and admonifh,to comfort and encourageand euery way tohelp them to faluation. Confutation of themwho afcribe the abilitieof conference and prayer wholy to menof wit and learning, that therefore they can fay nothing becaufe their education, bathnot beene in filch excrcifes, it belongeth to preachers and minif}ers. But the holy Ghoff Both impute it to righteoufneffe heere, and to theeflicacie and power of the fpirit, Zack. i 2. r o. Igrill poure vpon thehoufe of Dauid, andon the inhabitants ofIerufalem the fpirit ofgrace andprayer, hee faith not, they (hall attaine vnto the art andmethoodofprayer which carnali men mayget by carnal! meanes, in the earth, but it is a blefsing poured downe from aboue,as a gift from heauen, which onely his ownechil- dren haue defcending vpon them,and all his people be reple- ni,thedwith it. It was not promifed onely to the Neils, and Leuites,and Prophets, but to the houle of`Dauid,as in former times it hadbeene on Dauids owne perfon : and to the inhabi- tants of Ierufalem, as well as to the houle of Dauid. Hee that faithexprefly that hee cannot pray, faith allo by confequence thatlie is not righteous, nor yet incafe tobee faced. Andhee that wanteth will and abilitie to talke Chriflianly, Both pro- claime by filence, that he bath not the fpirit offaith. 2. Cor. 4. 13 . More (hall bee fpoken ofthispoint in the z 3. Chap, r 4.v'erfc. Hatred flirreth vp contentions : 6ut loue couereth all trefaes. Hatred, and all vncharitable affc El ions,as enureand wrath, Stirred) vpflrife,worketh all kindof reuengeand mifchiefe, as backbiting, obbrayding with former faults, and very of- ten procureth iniull criminations. B1ut loue couerethall trefpaf_ fes, by forgiuing themand reprouing them in friendly man- ner, and by concealing them from all thofe, to whom the knowledge ofthem bathnot come, or doth not appertaine. The VeríC* IL.