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So Primer F ni 's. Chap,ioyer.ii. The oppofition is thus framed:Hatred flirrethvp contenti. ons, and blazeth abroad mcns infirmities, but loue feeketh peace and couereth all trefpatTes. DoFt. Hatred. Theaftions and fpeeches ofmen are not fomuch n ill heart acaufe offlrife and debate,as the euill affeetionsoftheir harts. iiech eon* Diuers times it falleth out that thewrong doer, is not fo much ation. faulty as hethat (hold better beare it:&no injuries could work . a quarrelous contention, vnleffe therewere a defèft ofloueone both fides. It is Paid, Chap.' 8.6. That afades lippes come with, is not the occafron giuen,fo much as the lips that make the breach : and the lips could not doe it, vnlef e the-man fit- them on worke,and the man would not fo fet therm on worke, vnlefre folly and fin ouerntledboth himand his lips, So Chap. 15.18. Angry menarebrought in for the authors offlrife,but lice that is flow to wrathhath this teflimonie giuen him, that he will appe: fe it. What was the reafon why Iofephs brethren bad fuch a quarrell at him ? Beecaufe they law their father loue him more then all the ref!, they hated him, and could not fpeake peaceably to him. Gen.37.4. What moucd Ahab to bealway fobitter againfl elah and Micáiah r Bee telleth the caufehimfelfe, he hated them,,and reputed them tobee his enemies.' .Kings.z 1.2o.& 22.8. Realms. 1. Firfl,wherefoeuer hatred is,&one manmaligneth another, there is pride, and onely by pride contentions come. Chap. x3.10. 2 Secondly,if flrife did not moreproceede from the inward corruptions,then the outward occafions,they that were moll wronged,íhould nccefhtrilie be moti eontentious,and to Moi- fer, and Darsid,and.Ieremie,, and 'Paul, and Iefus Chrift him- felle of all otherfhould haue beene mofi vnguict and clamo- rous. But there had neuer any equal! vnto them for peacea- ble and gentle behaùiour. Numb. r 20 2. 3. L?vtath, 12. 19. .Tet.4.23. Vfc.r. Confutationofthem that lay the blame of their froward- nelle upon the vnkindenefle of their neighbours : and efpeci- allyoffilchas charge the mtniflrie ofthe word,and the preach- crs,of it with all the fcifmés, and fcicions, and with all the breaches