Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

breaches and diuifions that arc in theChurch. Theypublith the Gofpell of grace which teacheth peace, and maketh peace betweene God andman, and betweene man and man, yca a man and his owne confcience. But would there bee fo great oppofrtions,fay they, and themfelues and their doetrine fo much crof ed and refilled, vnles the caufe were in them ? They be troublefome men and buffe bodies, giuen to faCfion, and no man can line in peace by them. The Diuell cannot hue in quiet by them, and therefore lice maketh a tempefl in their hearts whom hee poffefreth, and fo their waues dafh a- gainft theminiflers and all other good Chriflians Our Saui- our knew that Etch wouldbee the fuccefl'e ofhis Gofpell,that wicked men would bee in as gi eat a hurlie burlie at it as ifhe had come with fire and fword againft them. leremie cleareth Mathao.; himfelfe of all private occafonsof difcontentment arnongft Ier.ii.6o. the people,hce neither borrowed on vfurie,nor lent on vfurie, nor had any traffrckeor dealing with them;yet all contended againfl him,and euery man curledhim.But what moued them to filch pafsion and dillemper ? the Diuell and their owne finfull hearts, which the Prophet fo mightely warred againf}. InfIruCtion,ifour hearts rife againfl our brethren, and be- g gin to grow turbulent and vnpeaccable, that then wee call them to examination. As S. lamer loth them that wouldnot;ames.4.T. examine themfelues, fromwhenceare thefe wart-es and con- tentions ? are theynot from lulls that fight in the members. Not to trufl enuiousperfons,for they haue not the gouern. *rent of themfelues, though they fpeak faire, and offer recon- ciliation. Yet if they clenfenot their foules of theirinward rank- er of malice, and that by repentance, they will breake out a- gaine into bitterneffc,as Saul did againfl Dauid. But louecouereth, &c.Chriflian loue doth caufe men to be DQ . merciful] to the foules & names oftheir brethren:which thinLoue is th Saint Peter teacheth,alleadging almofl the very fame words of kat} fault this fcripture. e/lhoue all thins hauefcruent loue amoncelyou, finder. for loue couereth a mu/tiradeoffinnes.It hideth them all,though there be neuer fo many. None haue this loue, but filch as hauc felt Gods loue to Reafons. Ida them.