Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

f.1L u 2.9 3. .x3,17. so. 37$. Gr.t.äI, raster's, ap,to.'er. themfclues, remitting and couering their ovvne fumes : and that maketh themmescifull to others. Co/.3.1 3. Secondly, they ef}eeme their brethren as their ownefleth, and members of the fame body, and there-fore will not wil- lingly dilcouer the deformities, orvlcerss or the naked or vn- comely parts thereof Thirdly,they propofe a coppie or patterne to themfelues, how thcmfelues would bee dealt with in the like cafe, accor ding to the rule ofour Sauiour,and,the fummc of the law and Prophets. Inf ru5 ion to performe this dutie with fiithfulnefre and good difcreation to our neighbours. Firf}, let vs takedoubtful! things in the belt part, for loue is not fufpicious but hopeth well of things that may haue good conf}ruCion, and peruer- teth them not to the wort} fence. So we deale with our chil- dren in their diflempers,imputing them to fumegriping with winde,or breeding of teeth,or that force pinne pricketh them: it is meere necefsitie that driueth vs to fee their frowardnef e. Secondly, though it be a fault,yet ifit be a fmall infirmitie,and cfpecially ifit be a private wrong vnto ourfelues, let vspaffe by it, as the Lord doth mofi gracioufly with vs, whole chil- drenwe muff hecrein declare our felues to bee in imitating of him : and it is a mans honour to paffe by an offence.Thirdly, if there be anoffence committed fit to be reproued, let vs vfe all holy lenitie,if it may preuail.e,or feucritie in compafsion to . draw them out oftheir firmes, for that is the bell couering to bring them to rcpentancc,that their iniquities may bee .cowe- red fromGods eyes,a_nd wafhed away for euer. So did Nathan help to cover DaRida finites, and was the belt inftrument of his clearing,byhis free& faithfull difcouericofthem. Fourthly, ifit belong not to our place. to giue them admonition, or they receive it not atour bands, then let vs Ihcw their .difeafes to more skilfull Phifitïons, and their wounds tobetter furgeons, as Iofeph told his father ofhis brethrens infamie. Gen. 37. 2. a.Cor.t.i a.and the houle of Cloe (hewed?utsl.ofthe diffen. tions of the Corinthians. Reproof of them that take it for their ewachonour to bring