bringothers vnto difgrace,they thinke that the blackenefre of their brethrenwill make them white,when they haue nogood- nelTe in themlelues to helpe their credit, they goe about to dig it out of the dunghill of their neighbours corruptions. Confòlation to the feruants of God,that if theweake loue of creatures, that haue in them fo great defea of loue, and pronenefte to hatred, be of fuck force as tohide their finnes, which be further from them;howmuch more 'hall the infinite loue ofGod couer all their finnes that are fo ncarevnto him. Noman in his bell loue tohis belt friend can either forgiue fìnne,or worke repentance that finne may bee foregiuen : But God can performeboth, and bath bellowed vpon vs his Son, and his Sonne bath bellowed vponvs his life and bloud to ef- feet both. In the Tips ofhim that bath vnderflandingzvifedome ra found : but a rod/nailbefor the back,: ofhim that is deßitute ofvnderianding. Thefe words neede no further explanation, then the fup0 ply of that which is to bee vnderfloode in both the claufes. For, this fèemeth to be the fence of them : In thelips or fpeech of him that bath vnderflandingwifedome is found,which kee- peth judgements and punifhments from him : but in the lips of him that wanteth vnderfláding,folly is found,which bring. eth iudgements and punifhment vpon him. The firft hemi - flich,or former part oftheverfe,is the fame limply let downe, and without allegory, or metaphore, as was comparatiuely vttered in the eleuenth verfe,by the fmilitudeof a well fpring. The latter part is the fame in fence, that was in the eight, and tenth verfes,for there it is Paid that thefoclifh in talkfbalbe beaten. prf