eraail. Wire men lay vp knowledge kit the mouth ofthefoeleu aprefent dcflru51ion. Heere is declared by what meanes wife men attaine to that abilitic, and fufficiencie of fruitful! fpeeches, by due attention to that which is fpoken to them, or which they read : or by diligent obferuationof things which they behold. T hofe they lay vp, as aman would his treafure, in a fafe place. As there- fore a prouident thriftie husbandwhich bath gathered toge- ther a flocks, will bee ready vpon fhort warning to make a purchafe, or vpon any good occafion to disburfe a fumme of money: fo he that is faithfull in feeking knowledge, andap- plyeth both heart and memory to bold it fall, and keepe it, that! readilie in conuenient time draw out the good things whichhe hath learned,.either for hisowne vfe, or the benefite and profit ofothers. Which is contrary in careleffe andheed- leffe perfons : for they will be as forward to fpeakc as any o- thers but that which is within the heart, will quickly bee at hand to come out at the lips, and that is poyfon,and venome, and peflilent matter, which will certaincly hurt themfelues, and be dangerous toothers. So then thus flandeth the oppo- fition : wifemen layvp knowledge and therfore their mouthes are a prefent pre-emotion : but foolifh men reiea knowledge and therefore their mouthes area prefent deflru£tion. Dna. Wife men,&c.It is not inough tobring thecare to heare ho- hat good ly inflruuions,but the heart mull alto recciueand keepe them. ecare layeth The necefsitieof this duetieappeareth by the ferious exhorta- aLatt tühíei lay tionwhich he giueth to that purpofe in the beginning of the feucnth Chapter. UV), Sonne keepe my wordes, and hidemy commandementt with thee : keepe my commandements,and thou ¡halt hue, and mine inffruïlion a the apple of thing eyes. lice giueth this counfell as a friend, to a neare friend, as a father to his ovine forme, for the matter of it is not of (mall impor- tance, but of the greatefl weight and moment, it behooueth tnennot onely to lay lure holdofholy doarines in regard of flare, but oftheir very liues,And thereforenot to looke tofta