Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

Cafe keeping thereofas we are charyofour money, but tobe as provident that we benot ipoyledofthem,as we are watch- full topreferue the members, yea the dearelt members ofour bodies from violence. Firff, the cxcellencie of wifedome and fauing knowledge may allure vs vnto it : for it is moreprecious and profitable then all earthly trcafures, which earthly minded menhord vp fo carefully. Chap. 3.14.1 ç . Second'y,it concerneth our foluation, and euerlafling hap- pinefre,faithfully to retaine the holy word ofGod inour foules. Hcb..I.3. Thirdly,the Bore of grace that is congeiled lothminifier matter, and oportunitie, and readinefreof good and whole- forne fpeeches to the lips.7'fa1.49. 3.4. Fourthly,by this meanes men are in their whole liues,both framed to be good, and declared tobee good, and delivered from all iinfull courtes, that they may continue to bee good. 7141. I 19. I I . `T'rob,. 2. i o. I 1 . And in this point the good ground in the Goipell, both the preheminence aboue all the others, it receiueth the word, and giueth entertainment vnto it by attention, and fo it goeth beyond the high way. Second- ly it bath aroote in it fe;fe, whereby it maketh a boldprofef- liion in the time of perfecution, and fo it goeth beyond the ftony ground. Thirdly, it keepeth a confiant courfe ofobe- dience, and bringeth the fruit of the feede to ripneffe, and fo it goeth beyond the thornie ground. Reproofe of them which through the greedy defires of Vfe.z, corruptible, and cafuall treafures, arc wholy with held from Peeking this one thingonely neceirary. A great cropofwheat is offered vnto them, which they refute, and fill their batnes and garners with chaffe and Rubble. Theymay loade them- felues,and fill their houles with fluer, and gold, with pearles, and diamonds,and all kinde of precious flones : and they take their backe burthen, and pefler their houles with old runic iron, and drofre, and pebbles, and other things that be heauy and comberfome, but ofnovalue. They haue libertie,and o- portunitie, they haue peifwafion, and incouragement to ga- M.üj. thcr Reafons,r. 2