ther together,and (lore vp abundance ofdurable riches,whïc1 can neuer perifh,nor be taken fromthetn,and they takeNines to heapevp fihow,and fuch like matter,that will melt away and vanifh ina moment. Terrour to them that Puffer Sathan to-rob themofalrgood leans and inf}ruCtions, and yet thinke that no hurt at all is done to them. If their hordes had beene broken vp by men, and their money taken out of their dells, their neighbours fhould heare their clamours, and the whole countrie fhould heave their outcries,but let thediuell himfelfe bereaue themof that portionwhich fhouldnot haue beene onely for liuing,but life, not for this prefent (late, but their euerlafling fate : in thiscafe they be quiet,nowrong is offred to them, they haue fullained no manner oflof e. It is fet downe as a iudgement and curfeby the Prophet,that men {hall put their money into &a* a broken bagge, and what afearefull cafe Rand they in then that put the facred in{lruEtions of the bleflèd wordof God into a bottonileffe heart,that canhold nothing,but that which will pervert and hurt them ? The Apof}le giuethan earnefl tì,sar. caueat to the Hebrewes, admonifhing them flriCtly to giue heed to the things which theyheard,lea{} they fhould let them flippe, and as the word fignifieth, should leake or runne out. For it were better tohaue wounds in our bodies that all our blond thould gufhout,then toberifted veffels,hauing chinkes in our foules,that the doarine of life fhould foake away, and raze out from vs. Confolation to them that haue couetous deliires after fpiri- tuall difhes, that would fiiffer nothing that way es to paflc from them, but inlarge their affections vnfatiably to gather all It is no point offolly, as it was in the rich man. Luke. t to multiply worldly wealth, but thefe haue the Lord to com- mend their wifedome,and it may as trulybe affirmed ofthem, as of filch as be merciful! (becaufe theybee the lame perfons, though the refpeas ditfer)thatthey layvp [tore for themfelues, a good foundation againfl the time to come, that they may 'obtaine eternal! life. s, Rut the messthofthewic ed, &c. The mougues of vngodly men