?reuer.r.0 ap.to. Per. 4. g men are alwaies pernitious and hurtful I. Of them Saint laws An ith ll mans fpeaketh largely, comparing them to fire breaking outin an mcm winwork houfç .v or whole tone,cfpeciallywhen it connnethby the Igo. ethMuchwo fhilitie of the enemie, making a(rani t to it, by meanes whereof men are flayed from extingui(hing of it, and havenot on lv their goods,but their life an in great perill.And this flame of the tongue is fomuch more dangerous then mater all fire,be- caufe it is kindledof hell, that is, the diuell himfeife bath fet Z2c,34jj; it on worke. And fo in the fame place he refembleth them to poyfon, and that not of the common fort,but to firong poy- :fon,which is dcadly,and failethnot to worke the baneof them tlhat drinke it. Firft,they are hurtfull,and bring great annoyance,and mil- Reafons. elide to other men, and therfore in the Scriptures, are called (words, and arrowes, and rafors,and mortali weapons.Ier.9. 8.7'fal. sz. z. And yet fuch fimilitudes are not able fully to expreffe, and fet out the euill that commeth by venemous mouthes, and virulent fpeeches. Firfl, the tongue mot' com- monly caufeth weapons to bee drawen, all warres,:ll rebelli- ons, all maffacres, all quarrels, all manner of finites are fiat breathed out of mens mouthes, on foute part. Secondly, the band may beheld that handleth theweapon, the flrokes may be warded, armour may preferue from the violence of them, or there may be refuge and couert to hide them that arc pur- fled but who can flay an vnruly tongue ? What defence is againfl it ? whither !hall a man fly from a Ellieaccnfer ? what d,itlanceofplace will prevent malicious calumniations?Third ly, they which fall into the hands of moll fierce and cruel! e- nemies, which are pearced, and wounded with kcenell and tharpef edge tooles, baue all the hurt vpon their bodies, the extreamitieofit reacheth but to take away their naturall life, but a slanderous tongueBoth finite at thename, which an in- geniousman would forgoe his breath,topreferue : and a pesli. fermis feducing tongueBoth peruert the foule,and by the poy. fon thereofare many thoufands brought to euerlasling per- dition. Secondly,theybringdcaruCúonvponthctrtfclues,and draw mic1 cfc