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$ PYOUer s. C dp.To. T7er,T4, mifchiefe upon their owne heads, as the Scripture teflifierh 1, io,12,l3. Thewords ofa wifeman hauegrace,but the lipsof afoole demure himfelfe. The beginning of the w:prds of his mouth is fool:Jhnef fe, and the latter endofhis mouth is wicked madnefe.The truthof this !hall be fpoken of more at large in the eightcnth Chap- ter, <<nd feaucnth verfe, vpon thefe words : fooles mouth 4 bs owne d(ßruc`lion,and his lippes areaAarefor hisfoule. fe z. Inflrutaion to be very well aduifed in all our fpeeches,fi. them they are fo important andweightie. Who would not heedefully fdrefeewhere his arrow !hall hit before he fhoote it out of his bow, leaf} it fhould def}roy any perfon, or other creature through negligence ? who wouldnot bevery circurn- fpe&and wary in difcharging ofa peece, leaf} fee should doe anifchicfe by it ? And yet by thefe a man may affray,and not hurt? andhurt,and not kill; and kill,and not dye hitnfelfe : but v:hat arrow ? what fhotte ? what artillery ? what murdering peece, is to bee compared to the mouth of a man that is not guided by a wife andwatchful] forefight e Great woe it work eth to othermen,but it ford), bringeth death it felfevnto him. felfe, euery word that breakcth an other mans skinne, loth certainely breake the kall ofhis owne heart : and he that loth aime at an other to gifle hima wound, can not miffe himfelfe, . uat3.1. to violate his owne life. For fd wee learne in this booke. Hee that keepeth his mouth l eepeth his life:but he that openeth bis lips deftruction./l,all bee to him. It concerneth therefore euery man to beas prouident, yea more carefill to looke to that which goeth out of his lips, then to that which commeth in, to bee more affraid tovtter blafphemous, reuiling, flaunderous and. iinf,&ions fpecches, in regardofthe foule; Mien to eate,and de uouc vnwholefome rneates in regardof the body. And by this we are admonifhed to commit ourmouches to a better keeper then our ownewit,or reafon,or ciuilldifpofition,leaf}lulland Sathan doe ouer rule vs,to let in what they will, and to let out finfull words,when, and whither, and as oft as they will,. And this mooued the Prophet to pray to the Lord to fet awatch before his mouth, and tokeepe the doore ofhis lips. confutationof them that thinke it nothing dangerous to fgeakt