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Thirdly, both ofthem bee ótcafions of vniuft behauiout, procuring them by indireift dealing toprouidcfor thenafelues. Pfzl 62. r O. Pross.3c.9. Vfc,t. In ru 9iion to labour for the fpirit whichwill protect vs from the venome and hurtfi,ll effe&s, as well of the one as the other. Doth the light of God (hire on our habitati- ons ? bath bee filled our houfes with good things, and giuen vs an ample portionof wealth and poffefsions ? bath bee pre- pared, andwell furnifhed our table, and made our cup to run ut,A,ap, ouer?Thenwil the holy Ghoti prouokevs ,when rre haue eaten andfilled ourfelues,toblef e the Lordour (Edfor thegoodplenty, which bee hathgiven vs. Hee will effeaually admonifhvs,that we be not hic minded, and trua invncertaine riches, but in theliuing God, which giueth vs abundantly all things to in- im,6, 17,18 ioy : that wee doe good,and be rich in good workes,and rea- die to diftribute and communicate, laying vp for our felues f}ore againft the time to come.Arewe inneed,andnecefsities, abridged of that fulneffe, which divers others doe,as it were, fwimme in ? This holy fpirit will füflaine our hearts,and per- fwade vs of our heauenly fathers all fufficiencie ofgoodnefre, andabilirie ofprouidenceandprouifion for vs.That will teach and finable vs, in whatfoeuer Elate we are, therewith to be con- tent : to be full and to be hungry,to abound and to haue want, to doe all things through the help of Chrifl which flrengthe- neth vs. 'Phil. 4. i 2. 13. Reproofe, firfi of them that toogreedily labour to berich, hunting continuallyboth day and night, andat all times,with heart, and hand,and tongue,and all indeauour after thefe dan- gerous fnares, defiring vehemently the curfe of God vpon their owne foules,Secondly,ofthem which:byidlenefre,orany other vnthriftie courfes, doe call themfelues into penury and want. When the Lord doth lay pouertic vpon his feruants for a triall or exercife, he doth fupport them with fundry helpes he mouethmen to be compafsionate towards them:his owne prouidencc doth fuccour them, whenmen, and ffrength, and £orecaft,and all other externall meanes do faile them. And ef- ,pecially they hate hope,and patience, and all inward fuppor- tancc,