Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

tance,which maketh the defeat ofoutward things eafe vnto them. But when men will draw pouertie vpon themfelues as a punifhment,the mercies and .conimiferatiuns ofmenare re- frained from them.'Pfal. i 09.1 z.and their hearts being otter- come,are moreready topurfue them,with feare, andgriefe,and difcontentment,then all their necefsities. The labour of therighteoze5 tendeth to life : but the reose- nues ofthe zwicked,to fnne The labour ofthe righteous tendeth to life, &c. That is, the goods whichgood' men vfually get by trauell,(though many times. they aredefcended to them by inheritance, or !pea-owed. vpon them by gift,or by Ionic other lawfull,meanes brought, to their hands)tendßth to life, vi both of foule, and body, in this world, and for the world to come whereas the riches of. vngodly men arealwaycs abufed by thern,a.nd made theoeca- fions, andmeanes of vnrighteoufneffe. The oppaition is this: the riches ofthe righteous do tend to goodneffe,and fo to their life : but the wealth of the wicked doth tend to fin,and fo to their death. Riches are either profitable or hurtfull according to the Do& owners, and vfage ofthem.The profperitie ofAbraham,Iob, Wealth is and other holy men is commended in the word of God, forgo ,or bad the great good that they did, and receiucd thereby : and the as it is vfed. Prophets, and other holy writings doe afmuch condemne the opulencie,and wealth of the enemies of God, asmaking them to be Mot} mifchieuous and miferahle. lob. 21. t 6. Iac. j I. 2.3.4. &c. Firff,the one fort doe honor theLordwith their fubflance, beholding the hand of his prouidence, confefsing the truth of his promifes, afcribing the glory to, his name, and confecra- ting themfelues,.and their wealth, tohis will : the other niake Idols. oftheir gold and fuluer,and-all .their;pp1fefsions ; or elie, dedicate them to other Idols,as: pride, and lull, and voltupti:' oufneífe, &c. Secondly, the one fort giuc bread to the hungry, and drink N.iM. tot. Reafon, a .