5 to the thirflie, and clothing to the naked, and are cuery way roadie to releeue the necefsitie oftheir poore dif}reffed bre- thren : the other abufe their power and riches to tirannie and crueltic,opprefsing them that arc alreadic in affliaion,or con- temning, them that are their inferiours, or withholding the goods fi om the needy, whomGod hath made the right ow ners ofthem. Prou. 3. 2.7. or elle feeding gluttons, and dron- kards, and otherwife finfull and vnthriftie perlons. Thirdly, the one haue for themfelucs the prayers of poore Chriflians, whofe bellies haue beone filled, and their loynes clothedand kept warme by them : the others haue the fights, and tearer, and grones, and (orrowes of them that bewrong ed, afccnding to hcaucn and making a continual! cry in the cares of the Lordagaira them. Fourthly, the one fort receiuc the blefsings of God with thankefgiuing,and fo they arc not only wholefome vnto them, but holy alfo,being fanftífied by the word,and prayer: r .Tim. 4.4.)-.The other deuoure,and fvvallow vp the good creatures, like brute beafts,led altogether by fenfivalitie. Fiftly,and laflly,the one fort haue laid vp a treafure in hea- uen, and fhall haue the full fruition ofit, with greatefl glory,at the appearance ofour Lord Iefus Chrifi : and the other hauc treafured vpwrath againíi the dayofwrath,when all their vi- olence,and crueltie fhall be made manifeft,and punifhed, and all their negleft of mercie,and compafsion (hall bee publifh- ed to their fhamcand confufion,before the whole world. Inflru&ion,to mayman that he doenot onely furucyhis (late to feewhat he bath; but efpecially to know what hoe is : let him not fo much regard thevalue and quantitieofhis pof- fefsions, as the faithful!, and fruitful! imployment of them. If the happineíre of /obhad confifled inhauingmuch hoe could not but haue felt much miferie,when fomuchwealth was con- fumed to nothing : but now bee could recount with comfort, bowwealthie andmightic he had formerly Beene, becaufe he could truely relate alíó, how righteous, andmerciful! bee had heenc. Her