flee that regardeth inflruElion is in the tray of life: but bee that refzsfeth correctiongoeth out ofthe way. Hee that regarded: inflruc`lion, That is, which yceldeth re- uerence, attention, and obedience to the minifiery of Gods holy word, is in the wayof1 f e, hee taketh the right courfe to obtaine euerlafling faluation : but hee that refufeth correction, whichwill not indure to heare his firmes rebuked,goethout of the way, both depriueth himfèlfeofeternall life, and walketh towards deflru1ion. Thedottrine of this is fit to bee handled in the firft Chap- ter,where it is more largely let downe by the holy Ghoíf. Hee that hideth hatred, is a manofdeceitfull lippes : and bee that vttereth flanderis afoole. living in the former words declared the peril! of them that rcfufe admonition, hee defcribeth heere the perlons that vfe to doe it, and they are of two forts : force are hipocrites, that pretend,and make a filmoffauour,and good liking, and vet nourifh deadly hatred in their hearts : others are profef- fed contemnersofthat which is taught,but yet pickingaguar. rell againft the man that deliuereth it, as though the fault were wholy inhim, and mil occafionwere giuen to mica all that lice teacheth. But the Lord which knoweth the ground and roote of their calumniations, and cavils, imputeth them to their proper caufe, and that is the finfulnefhe, and folly of thole malicious defpifers. The Lord hath hipocriticall diffemblers indeteflation.The float. r. Prophet David maketh mention offilch, Pfal.z 8.3.4. Draw A plaine h mee not away with the workers ofiniquitie, which fpeakefriendly plealeth to their neighbours,when mallice is in their hearts. R,eward them according to theirdeedes,and according to the wick.dn fe oftheir inventions. His earncit prayer to God is to efcape their hands; for they were very fubtile, and readic to take him; and verie cruell and violent ifhe should come into their clouches.Their N.iij. trade VerrC r94- Ycrte. *