Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

PI' ';.x- It maketh much for the commendation ofwords, or wri- tings to be vtcfuil, and profitable.. Therefore would the holy Ghoif haue this Booke to be efteerncd, and embraced of all forts , becaufe all forts may be intiruc`ted by it : it will enlighten their vndcrltandings, it will workevpon their affections, it will diret,and order their behaulour. And it is fpoken in the pralle ofall theScriptures, not onely that they aregiuen by anfáration ofGod, but bealfo 2 Ti,n 3.IO profitable to teach, to improve, to correct, and to infizruEl in righ- teoffneffe, that the manofGod may beabfolute being madeper- feRveto allgoodworkes. And diversof the Plalmes of David, haue the vfes of theca prefix: cl before them in their tides, as togiue infiruCtion. Plal. 19. Pfalnseofprafe. Pfal. zoo. í PÏalmeforrc+menabraance, &c. On the contrary fide, the Lord himfelfèby this our Salomon , doth eond: mne vnprofitablc Treatifes, which (crue not to make their Readers the better, and admonifbeth thole that will hearken to him, tobeware of them : For there ù none end in reading many bookes, and Eccle, 11.12, much readingis a wearineffe to the flefb. And as for fpeeches, the cormpartfons whereby the spirit of God doth grace the mouthes, and tongues ofgodly men, doe give a cleare telfi- monie , that bee refpeceth them for the good which they do,and thecommodity that commeth by them : as the tongue ofthe lull man is asfinedfiber: themouth ofthe righteo.0 will be 3 i, fruitful) in wifedome. Fitt', all things are regardedof all wife men more or Ielfe, Reafon;.l, according to thevieof that may be made of them,and thebe- neñtwhich theywill yeeld. As fosse trees are well fenced,and tenderly nouri{hed, others cut dówne with the Axe,ordigged vp by the rootes : tome bath are foreuery Chap-mansmg/ ney , and no price too deare that is dernaunded for them : others are reieted as refutes, aidwill bring the owners no money in the Market : Liege grounds are farmed out at high rates, men are defirous ofthem, though their rents, or in conies grow great, others are neglesr-ted, and little let by,- fcarce any Tenant will glue ought for them. And w hat Hie ueth men to faille io partial) in their choife ? to put fuch a, difference Dear.