caPosis.i. am 18.17. trade and occupation was to worke iniquitie, and therefore al. fo their wages, and hire (hall bee deffruaion. By all which 0rciunffances it manifefily appeareth,that there is enmitie be- w, eerie God and them. Firif, they are exceeding dangerous, becaufe they treache- rouflie in trap them that truft them. They know their coun- t-cis, and purpofes, and haue all meane -s ofaduaintage againfl thcm,whereas they would take heeds ofa profeffed aduerfarie,, and keepe them out ofhis company,andhide thernfelues from, him. And that made Dauid to cryout upon theexecrable fad,. of eAchitophell in conspiring againff hire. `l'fal. s 5,1z. And, fo doth hee finde himfelfe much grieùed with them that had fmooth tongues, as foft as ogle, and butter, and yet were as; íharpeand hurtful] as any (words. Secondly, the iudgements ofGodwill declare his hatred agaiufl fuel] perfidious ludafes, not onely in executing other punifhments vpon them, but euen in bringing to light the falfehood,and hidden maliceof their wretched hearts.ts it is faid that hatredmay be ecueredby deceit : but themalice there ofJl all bee difcsuered in the congregation.'Prou.2 6 z 6. Though Saul made a faire fhew to Dauid, cloking his fecret inifchie- uous purpole tohaue him killed,by giuing his daughter tobee his wife : yet now it is notified, and made knowcn to all nati ons, and pofferities. Inf}ru6tion,firff to amide this curled fin,that bringeth the. curie ofGod vpon. the (inners. Let vs lcaine to bee plaint hearted towards our brethreo,end if ought bee mitre in them, let our lippes faithfully adrnonifh them in loue,and not flatter them in hatred. it may bee a courtly nicke to diflennble, but not an honefl part to praftife it : it may bee agreeable to ear- nall pollicie, but it is altogether contrarie to Chriflianwife dome. Secondlie, to bee wary how wee conuerfe with fuck cunning diífemblers, and. ifwee cannot auoide their compa- nie, yet fitfer not our felues to bee deceiued by them. It is not want of Charitie, not to giue cre.chte vnto them, but an holy. difcreation which the holy Ghoul liimfelfe perfwadetl: vs to:. Hee that, hateth will cotßnterfait with his lippef, brit in heart hee layette