Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

?'otleY S. trttb,20. CY,I . 9 layeth vp deceit.ThouJhhee fpeakefavourably bee/cam him not for therearefeauen abhorainations in his heart.Rrou. z 6.2 4.2. j Indhe that vtterethHander,&c.It is anote ofa finfvll foole, Dof ,t; to haue a bitter, rayliii;, and fIanderous tongue. Our Sauiour Raylers are reckoneth this arongft many other foule finnes, proceedingfoolcs. from a corrupt heart, whereby wicked nien are defiled : asst ofthe heart, faith he, come cud thoughts, rrurtherr, adulteries, fornic tions, thef?er,falfetefimonier, andflanders. Mat. I 1 .19. Firfi, they grieuc áfly wrong the partie whole name they ircúoas., traduce : for ifamans eftimation beofgreater value then gold or fiuer, 'Prou.zz. r then a greater injurie is offred by them . which depraue him in that,then by thole that fhall robbe him ofhis goods, and {poyle him in his eflate. Nay many times theviolence that is offered to ones perfon is lefle hurtful then to bee reproched in his name; and therefore they that (hew that indignitie aie compared to hammers, and fwordcs, and (harp arrowes. Trou.I í .I 8. Secondly, they take the way to poylon the heartsof all that Than heare their obloquy, to alienate them from all good in- ffruEtions, when they (hall raife vp rumors, and Falk reports offcandulous behauiouragainfi themini fiersofthe word,and by this meanes theyworke apublickmifchiefe to keepemany from euerlafting faluation. Thirdly, they aremoil injurious to their owne foules, ex cluding themielues from the priuiledge ofgods people in this life,& the blefled Rate ofglory in the life to conie.T al. i 3.3. Infirufion,ifwe defire the credit of wifedome, let vs vie better meanes, to obtaine it, then obtretations, and artificiali vie. I difgracings ofour brethren;for that commeth not from abcue, it is no gift ofGod : it is fenfuall,carnall,anddiuellif}i.Second- ly,not to hearken to the reports of fuch wicked perlons that feeke to defame others, and detraa from their good narne: theyare but foolifh and batepedlers, that utter fuch infètiious wares; and therefore they cannot be wife chapmen that traf- ficke with them, and receive them at their hands. It is the pre- pertie ofthewicked togiueheeds tofalfe lip, and lyarr hearken to naughtie tongues. 'Frm. 17.4. Confol--