96 Framer -s. C ap.Io. Fer.t9. Confolation,for them that arc moleacd,andvexed vniuftly, for the Gofpels fake by clamorous and fálfe actufers : let them confider what account God maketh of their malicious aduerfarics : he calleth them fooles, and derideth their prafi- fes : and therefore in the end it shall be feene,that when they haue fpat all their venorne, they haue but fhotte a Looks bolt,, and procured flame and forrow to thernielucs. Thefinne ceafeth not by the multitude cf words hee that refrainethhis lips is wile. -Ie feemeth ffiïl to proceede in the profecution of the mat: ter-fpokenof in the feauententh vet fe : that men take an euill. Way for themfelues, which refuse to be reprooued.Thewords immediately goingbefore thefe,declare how forne reie ft it, by inward hatredand bitternes ofheart,andyet outw<rdlymake femblance ofgreat loue, and friendfhip : others Lreake out into open profession of their difcontentment, and malice, by i-eproching thofe that would help them out ofthe r fnnea:and . heere commeth a third fort,which would shift off all j ebukes, by.deriy ing, defending,cloaking, or colouring their faults,l-:y excufing, and extenuating matters that are charged vpon them. But all is in vaine, the finne will not bee blowen away with breath : and therefore hee fheweth that it is a poynt of wifedorne to (Line place by filence,and to take the blamevpon them. Thefine ceafeth not, &c. Themultiplying ofwords loth make a bad caufe rather worfe then be;.ter.So Jeremia telleth Do&. the impenitent people, that werevery, forward todeale them- fault excu- feltres oaf their fumes whereof they ale accufed : Thou /ayeft, d ¡soft bCC¿tufe I amáuilzlef fefisrely hiswrathshall turrofrommet. : be- .r. ed. hold I will enter with thee into iudRement,. becaufe thoKfayeft I hauenotfinned : Their excufes were accufations, their denials, wereconui .ions,their feeking impuni tiewithout repentance, did haften and augment their punifhment. Firft,when they defend, or make things (mall trifes,which are.tnlawfiull to be done, they contradi4f the word of God, anti Vcrfc,tig.