andhis truth,which no wit, nor art,nor eloquence fhalbe able topreuaile againl}. Secondly, when they hide their fa(Fs by deniall, or labour tofupply their omifsions,by aífuming that to thennfelues which they neuer performed,the eye ofthe Lord loth bechold their falfehood, his Bares doe heart how vntruly they iuftifie them- felues : he knoweth all their guiltineffe, and he will make the world to know their guilfull haulting. ThoughSaul failed of obedience, to the will ofGod, yet hec arrogated the praife of fulfilling it : though Samuel by demonf}ration declared his finne, yet he fought to make an Apologie for hinifelfeand to layall the offence vpon the people :''but that courfe tooke none effec`}; it did him no good for body or foule; it nothing preferued his honor,orf}atc:he was conuiE ed,and cenfured,& fentenced,and vtterly call off, notwithflanding all his excufese Thirdly, their owne confciences apprehend euery aC}ion, andword,and intent of theheart,and the mouerof their whole life : and they will not bee illuded by the fraud ofthe lips, but take occafion thereby to paffe a more heauie fentence vpon them. Fourthly, it is a finne ofit (elfe to bee giuen to ouer much talke,as haumg felfe liking and rafhne%for the rootes there- of and therefore it cannot pofsibly be a medecine to cure o- ther finnes. Iuf}ruthon, to leaue off (peaking to men for the mitigati- on ofour tranfgrefsions,and to fpeake toour ownehearts for iudging, and aggravation of them to the Lord, by acknow- ledgement, that we may be pardoned. Prou. z 8.13. Confolation, to them that humblyyeeld to a rebuke with- out replies, that their {late is good,though their aftions were bad : they are wife now in ref}raynmg their lippes from (pea- king offinne, though they were foolish before to commit it. The tongue of the iuf man t a.finedfiluer but theheart sf the wicked is littleworth. Het fetteth foorth the excellencie of the fpeech of Godly :Yuen by comparifon, refembling it tof leer that is purged,and O. fined 2 3 2 Verle,to.