fined from thedrofl'e that was in it. Becaufe a good man will be careful' ofhis tongue, not onely that there bee nomixture offilthines,and lewdeneffe in his vvords,but allo to auoyde all fuperfluous, and idle babling, and fo to open his mouth with holy wifedome.tiVhich is contrary in the wicked,becaufe there is a contrary fountaine in him of finfulnef e and corruption, and no matterofvertue and grace,which are the fprings ()fall wholefome fpeeches.Thus therefore fcandeth the Antithefis: the tongue of the iuff man is as fined filuer,becaufe his hurt is precious : but the tongue ofthewicked is as droffe,becaufehis heart is nothing worth. Doa. r. The tongue ofthe iußman, &c. Thebeff wealth ofa Chri- od mens Man is laidvp in his heart, and disburfed with his lips. And á1t1 a in that is the meaning ofour Sauiour, when he faith, that agood tterdwith man out ofthegood treafure of his heart bringeth foorth good lippes. things.An euill man may haue coyne, and plate, and iuels in th,jn,af, his treafury, andyet haue no treafure : and may draw money out ofhis purfe,&yet haue nogood,& do no good therewith- all:but to haue grace in the foule,and to vtter gracious words with the tongue is proper to a good man,and theexercifegood, and the fruite of it good to himfelfe and others. And albeit here feeme to be acomparifon ofequall,as though the tongue were hull of the fame value,andworth,that fined fluer is,yet it is to be vnderffoode that at leafs it is fopure and precious, but in deede far beyond it in excellencie. afons.t. Firff,this is one ofthegood andpedalgiftes,which is from es,a. 17. aboue,and commeth downe from thefather of lights : where- as fluer is a terrefiiall matter, euen earth it felfe diggedoutof theearth,and neuer did but grow in the ground. 2 Secondly, this is currant in heauen, and acceptable to God himfelfe, with whomgold and filuer areoffmall ef}imation. 3 Thirdly, fuch things are obtained by it,whichno money can purchafe, as wifedome, and grace, and the affuranceof az.34, Gods eternall fauour, and all good things that concerne both foule and body.e.tekias,and Iehofophat,withother good kings, could not haue pteferucd themfeluesby their purfes,and trea- Eures, as they did by their prayers, and holy exercifes, of their tongues: