tongues.Ionah Co, ' not haue beenecomforted,nor holpen by thegreateft quantitieof money,in the whales belly,wherehis prayer was very effeeluall.Petercould not haue giuen fogood an alines to thepoore creeple,ifheehadbeene flored with fil- uer,and gold,as beedid by theefficacie of his words through thename of lefus Chrifl, InftruEion, to Phew our tellies righteous by putting away Vfe. all obfcenitie offpeeches,that neitherfilthineffe,orcor`etori/nefe, be once named amongfl vs,norfoolsfh totlking, norfcurrillbitter, or vncomely iefizing,or any kind ofrotten communication, as the Apofflecalleth it, but onely that which isfor the vfe ofedifying, that itmay minifiergrace to the hearers, Ephe. f, 4. & 4. 29. And efpecial!y let vs beware ofthedroffèofdiísiniulation, untruth, and falfehoode, which bee-feeme not righteous per- fons. Make no report for certainiie ofany thing that is vncer- taine,neuer make a promife without a fetled purpofe,and refo- lution ofperformance. The faithfiulnefhe of Toas in this cafe was fo prooued, and made manifcfl, that when bec had once giuen his word to '&uth,llraomy biddeth her to binde vpon ir, and not further to trouble her felfe: for faith file, the man will not bee in refi, vntili hee haue finifhed the matter thisfame day. uth. 3. i 8. Confolation, ifgood men, notwithf}anding their great in- 2 fiimities, and corruptíons,haueyet fuch finceritie in fpeaking, and fuch fidelitie in performing that which they fpeake : how íhall not the righteous God (incompanion ofwhom all men are lyars,and who is not fo properly called true,as truth,& all his words veritie it (elfe) how (hall not hce,1 fay, fulfill all his promifes,and Hand to his couenants that hee bath madewith his people ? Iiee bath vndertaken for their faluation, their maintenance, proteEion, fafety from fathan,deliuerance from tirants and perfecutors,and (hall not-all this bee accomplilhed? is not all pure mettall that he pronounceth ? is it not as filuer tried feauen fold in the fire ? Wahl 2. 6.1f bee fhould faile of his word,he fhouldkorget his truth,and in forgettinghis truth, should forgoehis nature, and confequently fhould forfeite his deitie, which were an execrable thing fomuch as to conceiuc. 0.i). Btae