Do& t. But the heart ofthe zrick;d, &c. Though finfull perfons wickcd makeneuer fo great a filmon the outfìde,yet there is nothing ft th his einward, within themworthany thin .To that purpofe tend the words ofthe ApoiIle colleEÌed out of the Pfalmes : theLord knoweth the thoughts ofthe wife to bee but wine. If the point had flood vpon mans opinion, there might eafily haue beene an errour in it,but he bringeth the teflimonieofgod vpon lure & infalli- ble knowledge to cbfirme it. Andwheras theProphet nameth man indefinitely, that is, euery man vnregenerate `Pfal. 94. I i . Hee fingl.eth out thechiefe, and choyfefl of all the fort of them, whofepurpofes feeme to bee of greatefl price,and molt likely to preuaile, and fayeth that the thoughts of the wife men befl qualified with art, and naturali parts, are not onely cafon,..r, vaine,but veryvanitie,as the Pfalmift hath it. 2 Firfl,they are altogether deflituteof the fpirit ofgrace. Secondly, the heart ofman, without the fpirit,is foule, and 3 ñithie, and an vncleane finke ofall abhominations. Thirdly, the flreames that ale from thence declare what the fountains is, when all their words, and aftions,and recrea- tions,and imaginations are onely finfull and wicked.Hag.z.t . Tit. iI. Gen. 6.j. Fourthly,Gods proceeding againft them in his difpleafure maketh manifeft how bafe they are : for hee knoweth how all things are to bee priced . Since therefore hee reieEteth andcafleth them away, it euidently appeareth that there is no goodnefl'e in them. So fayth Ieremie, They ./hall call them re- fe probatefiluer,becaufe theLordbath reieded them. Ier.6. 3 o. Inflruaion, not to much to magnifie and admire them,nor too farre todepend vpon them. For better things are not cer- tainely to be expeEìedfrom them,than arc in them.And there- fore many times they make golden promifes, and leaden per formances,becaufe they haue but drefsie affefions. Confolation, to poore Chriflians in regaretof their porti- on, notwithflanding theycome fhort ofthe vngodly in goods and linings. Many finners bee let vp in Rate, andmuch worth inoutward wealth,when as they bee worfe than bankroupts in their foules, and wholy deflitute ofall inward fubfiance, and con-