S. OI contrary wife though the Saints haue but (mall flore ofexter- nal riches,yet they beeofgreat poffefsions in their hearts,and flow with plentie in their inward parts. The lippes ofthe righteousdoe f eede many : butfooles die for want ofwifedome. Before was declared the excellencie of a good tongue,and well feafoned fpeech, and heere are the effe6ts of it commence ded, namely the good that is wrought by it, the foules of ma- ny being edified therewith, and receiuing grace, and groweth for faluation, and comfort, as the body doth obtaine flrength, and nouriture, and refrefhing, by their meanes that minifler wholefonie foode unto it. And this is illuflrated by the contra- rie effet ofwicked,and ignorant perfons,that they are fo farrc from feeding others withknowledge and wifedome, that they fuffer themfelues to be flamed to death, & diflruftion through thewant of it. The Iippes ofthe ri hteous, &c. It is the note ofa faithful] Doi; man to vfe his knowledge,andother good gifts for the benefit Flee is the ofhis brethren. In this fence the Apofile fayth that thoughhe man that d were poore,yet hemade many rich. 2. Cor.6, i o. His rucane good. effacewould notpermit him,to bellow mony,or filchkinde'ofood. gifts as wealthie men vfe todiftribute,becaufe he hadno great plentiehimfelfe : but that which hee had moil of, and others had moil n cedeof,that hemoll liberally communicated to all that would receiue it, wherefoeuer hee came. Firfl, godly men doe prouide themfelues of thefe celefliall Reafons graccs,and thereby aremade able toparticipate them toothers. They haue a learning eare,& thereforealloa teaching tongue: Ira.o,.t they be couetous of fpirituall gifts,and therefore alto liberali ofthem : they are great eaters,and as wemay fay,haue an ap- petite to deuoure all, and therefore would haue euery man to takepart with them.In earthly commodities,men areofa con- trary difpofition : for as they are the more greedie of getting to themfelues,fo are they more niggardly in witholding from others : and as anyone doeth fwallow vp niore,the leffe is left for the refs of the company : but in heauenly things it corn- ®.iij, meth verfe, s,r