Clever - BS1465 D5 1614

fe. Y. meth to paffe that none be fo frank andfiee,as theywhole de- fires be moft greedie of hauing,andnone doe faue, and leaue fomuch for the vfe of their brethren, as they that take their full nieale,and Bate as much as pofsibly they can.To take the fruition of the 'graces of God,is the way to make prouifionof them for our neighbours : and to bellow vpon others is the 'manes to rctaine and augment them to our felues. Secondly,they haue an vnderflanding heart, and holy dif- cretion togiue to euery one filch aportion, as is fittefl for the health of his foule : forne are ignorant, and haue needof in- f}ruEtion : fome are vnruly, and haue neede of rebuke : tome are weake, and haue neede to be confirmed : fome are feare- full,and feeble,and haue neede of comfort,and incouragemert. All thefe duties will a wife and righteousman exercife,accor ding to the proportion,meaiure,anddegrees of his wifdon,e, and righteoufneffe. Thirdly,their lips will fend a meffage to heauen,& deale with theLord to releeue them,whofewants themfelues are not able to fupply.And fo they do riot onely feed the foules,but cuen the bodies ofvery many. When their prayers andpray- fes are acceptedofGod, and made effe&wall, for the fruitful- nesof the earth:Pfal.67.; .6.Ioel,z.i7,19.And by thismeanes .Eliah did feede all Ifraell,byprocuring rayne,for want where- of theywere like to perifh. All /lchgbs wealth, and the riches and power of the whole kingdome, were infuflì.cientfor fuch a work. Reproofe,of them that never minifired any thing,but in- feftion to their people for their foules.No child,no feruant,no not thewife of their ovine bofome,had euer anyhelp by them to faluation.Thcir houles be nurceries,& feminaries of fwea- ring, andgamning,and drinking,and all kindes of fnfulnefhc. An ignorant and vngodly family fo allowed, and continued, loth conuince the gouernour to bea finner,a foole,and a kind ofmurtherer ofhimfelfe, as the other part of the verfe Thew eth, which fhall bee palled ouer now, beecaufe it hath beene partly handled already, and muff bee againe heereafter. Secondly, Inilruction to make choyfc of habitation, and fo cietie