focietic with iufl amen : for much commoditie is to bee had in their company,by the benefiteof their fruitful! tongue, The dlefing ofthe Lerd,it loth mak,e rich,and he addeth no f orrow.r with it. Verfc.zs; The purpofe and drift of there words is, to Chew the pre- heminence that Gods people haue, aboue the men of the world : that whereas the wicked haue nothing but their ovine hands and carnali'manes to trufl vnto for their ef}ate;filch as beGodly, haue God to prouide for them, and his goodnefFe onely doth make rich, and they onely are inriched byhim. But becaufehis enemies haue vfually more {lore ofgoods then his children, and thereby it may feeme, that either men, may be rich without his blefsing,or elfe that he is more prouident for finners,then forfaints;therefore he fheweth thedifference, that troubles and vexations are intermingled with the good; of the wicked,andhis feruants are freed from them. Yet it is not fo to bee conceiued, as though nogood men had any troubles with theirriches,and thatwhofoeucr Both findegriefe,andper- turbations in there earthly things, were depriued of the blef- fing ofGod,and teflimonies of-his fauour:but this is themea- ning, that fo farre as hee dothbeeflow them, and they depend vpon him for them, fo far they efcape from vexations; fo that the cares and troubles grow meerely from their owne infir- mities. Theblefing, &c. As euerlafling life is the gift ofGod,ro is Doff, a good and comfortable ef}ate in this world. Dauid in his A comcva thankefgiuing to God maketh a free confefsion thereof: fay -- ti}d ing, both riches, andhonour comeofthee, &c. r . Chron.29. I 2. © Firi, neither the commodioufneffeofany trade, nor skill, ßcalóns.a nor ftrength, nor diligence can preuaile, vnleffe hee giue fuc- ceffe. Dest. 8. 18. 'Pfal, I z 7,1.2. Secondly, he alone worketh contentment,which is anhigh 2 degree of richneffe. Thirdly, he giueth achearefull heart with the portion,and 3 cadet!)