.1. caufeth them to take their part of their polrefsions with corn= fort.Eccle.2. Z4. Fourthly, hee preferueth them from the feares of lofí'es whiles they inioy their goods, and from immoderate forrow if their fubflance bee taken away : as that appeared in the example of lob, who by his patience declared himfelfe to be as rich when all his goods were gone, as hee was at that time when he poflèfied them all. Inflruuion, to vfe the meanes that we may be blefred, and partakers ofhis promifes. And that is : firm, by pietie and re- ligion. Pfal. I 12.I. 2. Secondly, by callingvpon the name of God, and exercife of prayer for fuch things as are needefult for vs, lames. 4. 2. Thirdly,by the good imployment and v- fige ofthole things whichwee inioy already. Prou. 3 , 9. 10. Fourthly, by mercie and liberalitic to them that are in necefsi- tie. `Prot?. i I. 24. 25. Fiftly, by faithfulneffe and diligence in our places and callings, as bath beene fhewed in the fourth verle. Confolation to fuch as ferue him,that they (hall fitrely be ffo- red with all fufficiencic.Thofewhomhe will raife vp towealth» !hall certainely rife,though neuer fo many feeke to hold them downe : for who fhall hold backe his hands from giuing his owne,vnto his owne. Howmaruailoufly were e/ibrahamand Jacob inriched among flrangers,and infidels, not onely aliants from their religion,but vowed enemies to their nation ? And where in his wifedome hee feeth it not fit to fill their houles with amplitudeof fubtlancçhewill make fewe things toyeeld manycomforts, and frnall things to bee of great force, and triune things to be very precious and excellent. mfal.37. i 6, Terrour for the wicked,that they can neuer be rich:though theyhaue riches,yet they arenot rich,but onely plagued with a multitude of torments andvexations.E'ccle. l.