It is apaflime toa fao/e to commit wickdate fe : hit wfs- dome is the delight ofa man ofvnderflandrng. It is a paflime toafacie to commit wickgdnef fe, &c. That is, finnefull men take great pleafure in doing that which is cull], as if it were a (port, or recreation to them : and it is as much ioy,and refrefhing to him that is Godly wife,both to get wif- dome, and to performe all the good exercifes thereof. Singe is the delight off-inners, and grace ofgoodmen. Of the one fort wee haue many tefhmoniei in this booke, but in the fccond Chapter efpecially, ver.14. Theydelight in doing cuill, and reioyce in wicked frowardnef 'e. And in thefourth Chapter is faid,that theyeate the bread .ofwickOuffe,' andeirink.e the wine ofviolence, it is meate anddrinke vnto them to doe mifchiefe. Of the other fort the Prophet is an example andpatterne, in the hundred and ninetenth Pfalme : where in many places he profeffeth his fingular comfort and delight, that he conceiueth in the hcauenly wordof God, as when hee faith : howfiveete are thypr°orfes vntomy mouth ?yea more thews hony unto my mouth. .r d they are the ioyofmine heart. Pfal. 1 1 9 . 1 0 3 . 1 1 1 . .firf}, this contrarietie arifeth from the contrary caufes of Reafons. r thefe contrarie likings. All wicked men doe loue frnne, and it is as deare veto them as the members of their owne bodies. And all godly men doe loue righteoufneffe,and rather delire to be debuted from life, then feparated from grace, and the feruices of God. Now it is a perpetuall rule which neuer fai- leth, that whatfoeuer any man louethmoll, that bee will al- waies mofldelight in. Secondly, wicked amen are flea ly, and therefore line after the flesh, and favour of the things of the flefh, and delight in the wot-kes of the firth. And godly men are led by the fprrit,and fauour of the things of the fpirit, and reioyce in the fruites of the fpirit. Secondly, ít is feene in the contrary of eCts of both files: Firf}, wicked men .runneviolently to finne,and will not de.fft from theirdiueilifh purpofes,before they+mire effected them: though godly Yuen through natural] corruptions,and tempta- tions; have fometimes apronencire, and, iticlinatiott tc evil], P., yet.. Do& Sínne is a p0 aime to fin ners,and gra is the ioy of good men. 2-