b. yet they may be eafily retrafted by counfell,and admonition; as Daí idwas from flayingofNabal,but they conflantly prom ceede to the performanceof entrygood dutie. Secondly, wic® keel men doe meditate in the night,and indeauour in the day to fulfill their fûfull delres : tjlYticah. z. z . Godlymen doe c- ditate in thenight, and indeauour in theday, to know ando.. bey the holy will.of theLord. ¡Ja. z6.9. Thirdly, when wic. ked men .hate accotnplifhed their finfull delires, they furfait with gladnefle:When theyare difapointed they are filled with bitter vexation.i'rart 4.1 6. When godly men haue committed finne, it bringeth anguishvpon their hearts, when they haue performed anyChrifban fcruice,it is a comfortable refreshing to their foules. Fourthly, the cuftome of finning is fo fvveetc tom.. to the wicked, that they will not forfake it, but take them for their enemies that (hall di(Twade them from it : the yoke of Panne is beanie to the Godly,that they (till(}riue to be disbur thenedof it, and the -yokeof Ietus fo eafïe that they willingly yeeld themfelues to it,and account them their bell friends that (hall help themagainll the one,and further them to the other. Vfc.t. Confutation of therronious opinion of thofe, that allowing themfelues in the purfuite ofall finfull pleafures, and profits, euen let uing their lulls with delight,andworkingvncleannefi'e with greedinefre, doe yet vadertake for the fafetie of their oxne foules, and challenge the name,andprcrogatiue of ri ,h® teo,.ts men. Confolation, to them that are weariedwith the rebellious motions of the flesh, that are not able vtterly to fubdue the remnants oftinne,and their owns naturali difpófition,but that f>metimes theft pride gicteth them a wound; fometimcs their Cage breakethout fodainly, óz flriketh them fo that theprints of the flrokes arc feene, and the fcarres which remaine after them; fomctimes couetoufncire preffeth fo hard vpon them, that it makcth them togiue ground, yea it tlketh, and irpri. fnneth them : yet if they hate thefe corruptions,thc more be- caufe they haue' ben hurt by them, if they,lábour for libcrtie, and groans for deliverance out of their captiuitie,theyarc Hill .reputed wife, andtic faithfidi.fouldicrsaaacruants.of Chrifl. 7ba